I have a function which is a JQuery event handler. Because it is a JQuery event handler, it uses the this
variable to refer to the object on which it is invoked (as is normal for that library).
Unfortunately, I need to manually call that method at this point. How do I make this
inside the called function behave as if it were called from JQuery?
Example code:
function performAjaxRequest() {
//Function which builds AJAX request in terms of "this"
function buildForm(dialogOfForm) {
var inputItem;
dialogOfForm.dialog('option', 'buttons', {
"Ok" : performAjaxRequest
inputItem = dialogOfForm.children(':not(label)');
//Redirect enter to submit the form
inputItem.keypress(function (e) {
if (e.which === 13) {
performAjaxRequest(); //Note that 'this' isn't the dialog box
//as performAjaxRequest expects here, it's
//the input element where the user pressed