



I googled and found the below helpful references. Currently I want to run all from the command-line (for easy of execution & quickness) in cases:

  1. A specific test (ie. a test written by a method marked [TestMethod()])
  2. All tests in a class
  3. All impacted tests of the current TFS pending change of mine.
  4. All tests
  5. All tests except the ones marked as category [TestCategory("some-category")]

I'm not sure how can I write a correct command for my needs above.

If you know know, please share! All helps are welcomed and very much appriciated!


  1. the MSTest.exe
  2. the MSTest.exe's detailed options
  3. obtaining the result


After a while, I found the below useful tips.

  1. run Visual Studio unit tests by using MSTest.exe, located at %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\MSTest.exe in my case.
  2. using /container:Path\To\Your\TestProjectAssembly.dll to indicate where your tests are coded.
  3. using /test:TestFilter to filter the tests to run. Note that this filter is applied to the full test method name (ie. FullNamespace.Classname.MethodName)

Hope this helps you guys.

+1  A: 

You might be interested by the Gallio bundle. It provides a free common automation platform to run your tests (MSTest, MbUnit, NUnit, xUnit, etc.) with various test runners (GUI, command line, PoSh, plugins for 3rd party tools, etc.)

In particular you may want to use Gallio.Echo which is a nice command line test runner:


The Gallio test runners have also filtering capabilities to run a subset of your unit tests only (e.g. per category, per fixture, etc.)

Yann Trevin

Currently I can have some anser for my needs:

  1. A specific test (ie. a test written by a method marked [TestMethod()])
    Use MSTest.exe /container:TheAssemblyContainingYourSpecificTest /test:TheSpecificTestName

  2. All tests in a class
    Use MSTest.exe /container:TheAssemblyContainingYourClass /test:TheClassNameWithFullNamespace
    Note that the /test: is the filter which uses the full name of the class when filtering.

The others are still left unknown. Please disscuss if you know how.

Nam Gi VU