



hello, I'm writing on a MSN Plus script, which is in fact javascript.
For interop with Windows there is a class called Interop.
With its static function Call one can call s specified function in a specified dll with up to 12 arguments.
My goal is to write a script which gets a process name out of the PID.
I've done everything right, but it still doesn't work.

function GetProcNameFromPID(pid)  
    var hnd = Interop.Call("kernel32", "CreateToolhelp32Snapshot", 2, 0);
    var handle = Interop.Call("kernel32", "GetCurrentProcess");
    var StructP = Interop.Allocate(4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+260);//*Allocate space for the ProcessEntry32 struct*
    var hnd_ptr = Interop.Allocate(4);
    var ress = Interop.Call("kernel32", "WriteProcessMemory", handle, StructP, StructP.size.DataPtr, 4, hnd_ptr);
    Debug.Trace(ReadInt(hnd_ptr, 0));
    var res = Interop.Call("kernel32", "Process32FirstW", hnd, StructP.DataPtr);
        Debug.Trace("FAAAAIIIILLLLL / " + Interop.Call("kernel32", "GetLastError") + " / " + ress);
            var pos = 0;
            ReadInt(StructP, pos);
            ReadInt(StructP, pos);
            var owpid = ReadInt(StructP, pos);
            ReadInt(StructP, pos);
            ReadInt(StructP, pos);
            ReadInt(StructP, pos);
            var parpid = ReadInt(StructP, pos);
            ReadInt(StructP, pos);
            ReadInt(StructP, pos);
            ReadInt(StructP, pos);
            var name = ReadString(pos, 50);
            if(pid == owpid)
                return name;
            StructP = Interop.Allocate(4+4+4+4+4+4+4+8+4+50);
            Interop.Call("kernel32", "WriteProcessMemory", handle, StructP.DataPtr, StructP.size.DataPtr, 4, null);
            while(Interop.Call("kernel32", "Process32NextW", hnd, StructP.DataPtr) == true)
function ReadInt(buffer, pos)
var res = 0; 
    for(var i = 0; i >> 24;  
    var b2 = addr >> 24;  
    var b3 = addr >> 24;  
    var b4 = addr >> 24;  
    return b4 + b3*256 + b2*256*256 + b1*256*256*256;  

The Process32FirstW function always suceeds, but the struct is empty.
The WriteProcessMemory function suceeds, too. But the number of written bytes is always 0.

Conspicuous Compiler
Well I'm trying to do a PID to Process Name script in combination with other scripts it can be quite useful. For now I have delted the WriteProcessMemory() function and tried with StuctP.WriteDWORD(0,296); and then Interop.Call("kernel32", "Process32FirstW", hnd, StructP.DataPtr); but it still fails. I really don't know what else to do.