




I have an ASP.NET web form that uses an ASP.NET Repeater. The data source for this repeater is a DataTable that includes a column called "City", and one called "State". In the ItemTemplate of the Repeater, I want to call a custom method I've written called "FormatLocation". This method is defined as:

protected string FormatLocation(string city, string state)
  string location = city;
  if (state.Length > 0)
    location += ", " + state.ToUpper();
  return location;

I want to call this method when the data is bound in the ItemTemplate so that the result appears in the UI. Can someone tell me how to do this? Thanks!

+1  A: 

You can do this way if get them from Database On the Repeater


On code behind

protected string FormatLocation(object oItem)
    string city = DataBinder.Eval(oItem, "city").ToString();
    string state = DataBinder.Eval(oItem, "state").ToString();

     string location = city;
      if (state.Length > 0)
        location += ", " + state.ToUpper();
      return location    

If they are not from database, but from a list, the object oItem is the data himself.
