I have a run.haml file where I run a test suit. Everything works just fine but I want to display the text "Starting test suite: #{params['run']}" immediately after user clicks the link that leads him to this haml.
the link clicked tells haml what suit needs to be executed
Right now everything is displayed after the test suit run finishes. The run.haml page is being loaded till the script finishes.
- how does the haml processing flow work?
- can I start processing the job after the page starts rendering?
- can I display some text in a browser and then let call the test suit?
It takes minutes to finish the run of the test suit.
%title Running
= "Starting test suite: #{params['run']}"
- output = %x[cd C:\\Program Files\\TestPro\\TestPro Automation Framework410 && ant -lib lib -f "C:\\Program Files\\TestPro\\TestPro Automation Framework410\\Output Files\\builds\\#{params['run']}.xml"]
-#The result is
= output.split("\n")[-2,2].join("<BR>")
= "<br/>"*2
%a(href="/")back to suits list