



I think it would be valuable to have a list of all the programming languages that have a significant open source component (i.e. I can do a significant amount of work in it without using any non-free components) and that are cross platform (i.e. that will run on all the major platforms: Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux/BSD), along with information about how they are useful. That way, one could pick out the ideal language for a particular project if a choice is available.

Therefore, it would be great if you could list all the languages you know, include at least a bit about the merit/usefulness of each, and maybe some interesting points (like a good IDE, important software libraries, etc).

Links are good too (link to the developer's site or to a major resource site).

This would be a good complement to the list of programming books (

EDIT: Oh, and no flame wars :).

EDIT 2: I have set up a Wiki to hold this list and a list of the programming books linked to above:

+2  A: 

Language: Java (OpenJDK) - IDE: Eclipse, Netbeans

Ben Holland
+1  A: 

C++: The quinessential OOP programming language. Massive number of libraries to do just about whatever you could imagine. Some IDE's include Code::Blocks, Dev-C++, Netbeans, and Eclipse.

+2  A: 


Fast to develop in, huge standard library, lots of support, great interpreter, great scripting language.

Perl: Do I really need to say more?


Another great scripting language, very powerful, OO to the core but still pragmatic. Very popular right now, with lots of addon libraries.


A small,fast scripting language designed to be embedded in other applications. Small standard library with a reasonable set of basic stuff and additional libraries / C extensions to do other stuff. Very popular in games - the World of Warcraft client UI is built and extended in Lua.

Chris Tavares
I would add that Lua can also be used as a standalone language.
Well, I've been curious, what are the advantages of perl? Is it just so well known (kind off a: grown up with it, sorta thing)?