



I have used RESTful techniques to generate a model (in fact, I am using Devise gem, which does that for me), and I have added new fields called first_name and last_name to the model. Migration went fine. I added attr_accessor :first_name, :last_name to the model and expected it would just work. But when I try to mass-assign new instances with Doctor.create({:first_name=>"MyName"}) etc., I am getting errors saying I can't mass-assign protected attributes.

I thought the whole point of using attr_accessor was to get around the protectedness of the fields of a model. Can you help me make sense of this message?

Edit: oh, and by the way the records do not get created either. I thought they should be since this is just a warning, but they are not on the database.

Edit2: here is my model

class Doctor < User
  has_many :patients
  has_many :prescriptions, :through=> :patients

  validates_presence_of :invitations, :on => :create, :message => "can't be blank"

  attr_accessor :invitations

and the schema, which doesn't have the first_name and last_name because they are created in the users table, which is the ancestor of doctors. I used single table inheritance.

create_table :doctors do |t|
  t.integer :invitations


and this is the migration to change the users table

add_column :users, :first_name, :string
add_column :users, :last_name, :string
add_column :users, :type, :string

EDIT: here is the seed file. I am not including the truncate_db_table method, but it works.

%w{doctors patients}.each do |m|

Doctor.create(:invitations=>5, :email=>"[email protected]", :first_name=>"Name", :last_name=>"LastName")
Patient.create(:doctor_id=>1, :gender=>"male", :date_of_birth=>"1991-02-24")
+1  A: 

Don't use attr_accessor here. ActiveRecord creates those automatically on the model. Also, ActiveRecord will not create a record if a validation or mass-assignment error is thrown.

EDIT: You don't need a doctors table, you need a users table with a type column to handle Rails Single Table Inheritance. The invitations will be on the users table. Ah, I see in your added code sample you do have type on users. Get rid of the doctors table, move invitations over to users, and I think you should be ok. Also get rid of the attr_accessor. Not needed.

Keep in mind that rails STI uses the same table for all classes and subclasses of a particular model. All of your Doctor records will be rows in the users table with a type of 'doctor'

EDIT: Also, are you sure you only want to validate presence of invitations on creation and not updates?

Dave Sims
When I don't use it, though, Rails tells me "method not found" as I am raking the seed file. What should I do in that case?
Can you post your model code and rake task? Also the migration that created the model. Make sure those columns are created in the db.
Dave Sims
ok, I added those to the post.
I didn't realize STI used only one table for all subclasses!
+3  A: 

Don't confuse attr_accessor with attr_accessible. Accessor is built into Ruby and defines a getter method - # returns something - and a setter method - = 'bar'.

Accessible is defined by Rails and makes the attribute mass-assignable (does the opposite of attr_protected).

If first_name is a field in your model's database table, then Rails has already defined getters and setters for that attribute. All you need to do is add attr_accessible :first_name.

oh, man. Is that right? Let me try this.
Now I'm getting "unknown attribute" error on invitations when I rake the seed file. I know I have this field in the database, though; it's in the migration file...
It's in the migration file, but did you run the migrations? Post your seeds file.
ok, I edited the post to include the seeds file.
Did you update the other stuff? You've still got attr_accessor in your model even though that's wrong.
This could be related to the fact that STI uses only one table to for all subclasses, which Dave Simms pointed out. I have a doctors table, which has invitations field, but it should be in the users table instead. d'oh!
If you're subclassing the User table, have you checked for attr_accessible in User itself? Or attr_protected, but I suspect it's the former. You can add fields to be accessible in subclasses by calling #attr_accessible in the subclass.
François Beausoleil