




Cześć, stoję właśnie przed wyborem ORM'a. I waham się: XPO czy NHibernate? Masz jakieś konkretne doświadczenia, którymi chciałbyś się ze mną podzielić?

Będę wdzięczna za wszelkie info.

Pozdrawiam, Ola :) [email protected]

Hallo, I founded that you are familliar with these 2 ORM's : XPO (DevExpress) and NHibernate. What is your experience? I need to choose ORM for my enterprise solution and I'm not sure which one is better? I mean memory problems, usability,....etc

I will be grateful for any suggestion with explanations.

Best Regards, Alexandra [email protected]


I never heard about XPO and seems that it is not a very common ORM. I think you should do your comparison between NHibernate and others like Entity Framework and LLBL Gen. Additionally I suggest don't use term "best" because it's subjective. Instead use terms "What is cons and pros of NHibernate and XX and YY?".
