




We install an application (MSI) using MSIEXEC with the following command line option:

MsiExec.exe /x{code} /qn /liwearucmopvx+ C:\Log\UnInstall.tra
MsiExec.exe /iC:\Source\App.msi /qn TARGETDIR=C:\Install ALLUSERS=1 /liwearucmopvx+ %C:\Log\Install.tra

Most of the time this works, but sometimes the uninstall fails (not sure why yet, looking into the error). Anyways when this happens I get the following error during the re-install:

Another version of this product is already installed.  Installation of this version cannot continue.  To configure or remove the existing version of this product, use Add/Remove Programs on the Control Panel

Is there a way to bypass this? Meaning to ensure that we always re-install (if it exists we can simply automatically blow it away?)