



I just wanted to know if there are any sorting algorithms that are as interesting as Bogosort to sort a pack of cards.

Use your creativity.

For a change efficiency ain't important but being creative is :)

+1  A: 

Iterate over the values to find the lowest. Now iterate again outputing a single value for every value the matches the lowest (including itself) Repeat, except that now find the minimum above the previous minimum. Continue until no such value is found.


Winston Ewert

I came up with a sort that determines the first item as quickly as possible (N-1 comparisons), then the second (lgN steps), and tries to do likewise for the rest. The book-keeping is excessive, but the number of comparisons ended up being less than quicksort for 1,000,000 items (the largest data set I tested).


Ontological sort. (Assumes multiple universe theory is correct.) Properties:
- O(n) space and time
- in-place
- general purpose

1. Randomly permute input.  (O(n).)
2. Check that the sequence is sorted.  (O(n).)
3. If sequence not sorted, destroy universe. (O(1).)

Step 3 isn't implemented in version 1.

Eric Towers