



Does rails provide solution to get website user time and timezone configured on his local machine, which is used in his web browser?

+1  A: 

Rails (Ruby actually) is a server-side language, so to retrieve data about the client side you would need to use JavaScript:

var currentTime = new Date();
var zone = -(currentTime.getTimezoneOffset() / 60); //GMT
Jacob Relkin
You haven't understand me. Time class returns time on the server machine. I want to get current time on clinet machine which browser the website.
Alexey Zakharov
@Alexey, I updated my answer.
Jacob Relkin
@Jacob, that looks like would work but what if the user had javascript turned off?
@DJTripleThreat, then there would be no way of doing it.
Jacob Relkin
I thought that localtime could be extracted from request headers.
Alexey Zakharov
@Alexey, that would be great if it did. I'd also like browsers to send whether a browser had javascript turned on or off. Sadly, neither of these are true.

Jacob's answer will work if the user has javascript turned on. What you might try doing is allowing the user to select their time zone. There is a select_tag that can be used in a form called the time_zone_select and time_zone_options_for_select

See: And:
