I would like to create an abstract class which will create concrete instances depending on initialization parameter. Example:
class SomethingGeneric
def self.new(type, arg)
class_name = "#{type.capitalize}Something"
if obj.const_defined?(class_name)
a_class = obj.const_get(class_name)
raise ArgumentError, "Concrete something '#{type}' was not found"
obj = a_class.new(arg)
return obj
end # class
Then I would like to have FooSomething < SomethingGeneric, BarSomething < SomethingGeneric and more. Then when I do:
obj = SomethingGeneric.new("foo", arg)
I would get FooSomething instance.
My problem here is the "new" method. I have defined SomethingGeneric.new, however FooSomething and BarSomething are subclasses of SomethingGeneric therefore they inherit the "new" method which is called with wrong arguments here:
obj = a_class.new(arg)
One of the solution would be to use another name for the factory method 'new'. However I would like to stick with convenience and keep the abstract superclass factory method named 'new'.
What is the cleanest correct way to solve this problem?