I have tried to get this to work a million times. I have lef it alone for a week and come back. I have Googled and read every post pertaining to this. I have let insecure morons belittle in messages groups without ever finding the answer. I just want this to work. When I am following along in part three of the the Django tutorial, I get to the part where you make the template for the index page, and when I go to check it in the browser, it comes up with TemplateDoesNotExist at /polls/. I have checked file ownership, moved it all around, always changing the TEMPLATES_DIR in setting.py. I have pipe'd the contents of the file to cat to make sure it works. I have scarificed animals to strange Gods to get this to work. I turn to you now. I am sure it is the stupidest thing ever, I have very little doubt about this. I just want it to work.
I am not sure what parts of the code/traceback you want/need here, let me know I will post them. I am doing this on Ubuntu 10.10
From settings.py:
TEMPLATE_DIRS = ( "home/kevin/first/tutorial/temps" )
This used to live in ~, but I moved into the project folder thinking it would help.
Structure(leaving out all complied python files): ~/first/tutorial/: init.py, manage.py, polls, settings.py, temps, tut.db, urls.py
temps: index.html
polls: admin.py, init.py, models.py, tests.py, views.py,