



I'm in the middle of learning PHP, and the following list-related problem has come up. The language doesn't really matter, so I'll give you this in pseudo-code. Pseudo-code answers are fine, of course.

Say, there's a list of two different, repeating elements - two single characters, for instance. So my list looks roughly like this:

myList = [C, C, D, C, D, D, D, C, C, D, C, D, C, C, ...]

However, that's not the form I want. Instead, the list should look like this:

myList* = [CC, D, C, DDD, CC, D, C, D, CC, ...]
myList* = shorten(myList)

What's the most elegant way of turning the single-character list into one that contains continuous strings of subsequent characters as its elements? My solution strikes me as rather crappy, given that it involves multiply nested if-statements, various state variables and other nastiness.

Pseudo-code away! Many thanks in advance for any implementation of


you throw at me.


You can do that with a single scan of the array by keeping track of the current character and the last character:

function shorten($myList) {
        $myList[] = '';                         // add a dummy char at the end of list.
        $result = array();                      // result to be returned.
        $last_char = $myList[0];                // initilize last char read.
        $combine = $last_char;                  // initilize combined string.
        for($i=1;$i<count($myList);$i++) {      // go from index 1 till end of array.
                $cur_char = $myList[$i];        // current char.
                if($cur_char != $last_char) {   
                        $result[] = $combine;   // time to push a new string into result.
                        $combine = $cur_char;   // reset combine string.
                } else {
                        $combine.=$cur_char;    // is cur char is same as prev..append it.
                $last_char = $cur_char;         // for next iteration cur become last.
        return $result;                         // return result.

Code In Action

$myList = array('C', 'C', 'D', 'C', 'D', 'D', 'D', 'C', 'C', 'D', 'C', 'D', 'C', 'C');

function shorten($list) {
    $newList = array();

    foreach($list as $key => $entry) {
        if ($key == 0) {
            $newList[] = $entry;
        } elseif ($entry == substr($newList[count($newList)-1],0,1)) {
            $newList[count($newList)-1] .= $entry;
        } else {
            $newList[] = $entry;

    return $newList;

$shortenedList = shorten($myList);

echo '<br />';
Mark Baker
I believe that sort($list) was a mistake..
Jan Turoň
@Jan - initial misreading of the question
Mark Baker

Here you go something short

$mylist = array("a","b","b","b","c","c","d");
$shortened = array();
$prev = $item = null;
foreach($mylist as $key=>$val) {
  if($val==$prev) $item.= $val; // previous character was the same
  else { // was not the same: put it into $shortened and start creating new $item
    $shortened[] = $item;
    $item = $val;
  $prev = $val; // remember previous
$shortened[] = $item; // append the last item
array_shift($shortened); // first item is always empty
print_r($shortened); // a, bbb, cc, d
Jan Turoň
Will this work if the input in empty?
yes, foreach will then be cycled zero times and empty array is correct result. But it still contains those "multiply nested if-statements, various state variables and other nastiness" as you mentioned. See my another solution I posted here.
Jan Turoň
$result = array();
$word = '';
$lastChar = $myList[0];
foreach($myList as $char){
    if($lastChar !== $char){
        $result[] = $word;
        $word = '';
    $word .= $char
+2  A: 

Using PHP 5.3 Closure and array_reduce:

ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL);

function shorten(array $list) {
    return array_reduce($list, function($a, $b) {
        $lastIdx = count($a) - 1;
        if(isset($a[$lastIdx]) && strstr($a[$lastIdx], $b)) $a[$lastIdx] .= $b;
        else $a[] = $b;

        return $a;
    }, array());

$list = array('C', 'C', 'D', 'C', 'D', 'D', 'D', 'C', 'C', 'D', 'C', 'D', 'C', 'C');
$expected = array('CC', 'D', 'C', 'DDD', 'CC', 'D', 'C', 'D', 'CC');

$listShortened = shorten($list);
assert($expected === $listShortened);
You may recieve undefined offset -1 at third line of the code, but I quite like this solution.
Jan Turoň
@[Jan Turoň] You got me. True, I cheated a bit by setting the error level to exclude E_NOTICE errors. ;-)
@[Jan Turoň] I updated the code, added one line, but now it doesn´t swallow errors and doesn´t count the length of $a twice per iteration.
yes, I like it now :-) +1
Jan Turoň

Ah, I think I made your point! I believe this is exactly waht you want:

$mylist = array("a","b","b","b","c","c","d");
function shorten($array) {
  $str = implode("",$array); // step 1: make string from array of chars
  preg_match_all("/(\w)\\1*/",$str,$matches); // step 2: split into chunks
  return $matches[0]; // step 3: that's all
Jan Turoň
I am not sure of memory usage, but the PCRE ( should perform well. No loops, no ifs, no extra variables... is this what you are looking for?
Jan Turoň