Hi All,
I have a rails 2.3.8 app with rspec tests (not written by me, just trying to get them running). When I run "rake spec" I get this error:
gem_original_require': no such file to load -- spec/rails (MissingSourceFile)
I have the following rspec-related gems installed:
rails (2.3.8, 2.3.5)
rspec (2.0.1, 1.3.0, 1.2.9, 1.2.4)
rspec-core (2.0.1)
rspec-expectations (2.0.1)
rspec-mocks (2.0.1)
rspec-rails (2.0.1)
Any ideas on how to troubleshoot this? Interestingly, if I drop my rails version to 2.3.5 (in environment.rb) I get a completely different error:
Missing the Rails 2.3.5 gem. Please `gem install -v=2.3.5 rails`, update your RAILS_GEM_VERSION setting in config/environment.rb for the Rails version you do have installed, or comment out RAILS_GEM_VERSION to use the latest version installed.
Not sure if the two are related. I have both rails versions installed because this machine runs a few different rails apps (for continuous integration). I suspect I'm just in gem version hell, but I'm unsure how to get out of it.
Any advice appreciated, Tom