



How can I mark a test as an expected failure in JUnit 4?

In this case I want to continue to run this test until something is patched upstream. Ignoring the test goes a little too far, as then I might forget about it. I may be able to add an @expected annotation and catch the exception thrown by assertThat, but that also seems to lie about the expected behavior.

Here's what my current test looks like:

public void unmarshalledDocumentHasExpectedValue() 
    doc = unmarshaller.unmarshal(getResourceAsStream("mydoc.xml"));
    final ST title = doc.getTitle();
    assertThat(doc.getTitle().toStringContent(), equalTo("Expected"));

That assert should succeed, but because of an upstream bug it doesn't. Yet, that test is correct; it should succeed. Virtually all the alternatives that I've found are misleading. Right now I think @Ignore("This test should pass once fixed upstream") is my best bet, but I still have to remember to come back to it. I'd prefer that the test run.

In Python I can use the expectedFailure decorator:

class ExpectedFailureTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_fail(self):
        self.assertEqual(1, 0, "broken")

With Qt's QTestLib in C++, you can use QEXPECT_FAIL:

QEXPECT_FAIL("", "Will be fixed next version", Continue);
QCOMPARE(i, 42);

In both cases above, the unit test runs which is what I'm hoping to have happen. Am I missing something in JUnit?

+1  A: 

I'm not quite getting the specifics of your scenario, but here's how I generally test for expected failure:

The slick new way:

public void expectedFailure() {
    Object o = null;

for older versions of JUnit:

public void testExpectedFailure() {
    try {
        Object o = null;
        fail("shouldn't get here");
    catch (NullPointerException e) {
        // expected
That is better handled by: `@Test(expected=NullPointerException.class)`. Then you can remove the try/catch block and the fail statement as JUnit will tell you it expected an exception and didn't receive one if one was not thrown.
Kaleb Pederson
Indeed it is. I'd forgotten they'd added that.
+1  A: 

One option is mark the test as @Ignore and put text in there that is a bug perhaps and awaiting a fix. That way it won't run. It will then become skipped. You could also make use of the extensions to suit your need in a potentially different way.
