



I Followed this article, explaining how to spice up an Internet Explorer COM-Object with jQuery. While the author used Python, I want to do something similar in Powershell. So now I have this code:

function addJQuery ($browser) {

    $document = $browser.document
    $window = $document.parentWindow
    $head = @($document.getElementsByTagName("head"))[0]
    $script = $document.createElement("script")
    $script.type = "text/javascript"
    $script.src = $url
    while (!$window.jQuery) {
        sleep -milliseconds 100
    return $window.jQuery

$ie = New-Object -comobject InternetExplorer.Application
$ie.visible = $true
while ($ie.busy) {start-sleep -milliseconds 500}
$j = addJQuery $ie

With Fiddler and via the document.scripts collection I verified that the file gets downloaded. However, the script sleeps forever and when I try to output $window.jQuery it prints nothing in the Powershell ISE console.

The Script is nevertheless correctly loaded, since jQuery-Functions can be called from the browser's console. Could it be that the exposed properties of the Internet Explorer COM-Object differ between Python and Powershell?