



Can anyone please suggest me some good testing tools for a django project? I need to test the different use case scenarios, unit testing, as well as load testing for my project. Is there any good standard testing suite available?? Any other suggestion(s) for the testing process is greatly appreciated. I use Django, postgresql on Ubuntu server if this information is necessary.

+10  A: 

This article about Django Testing should be a good starting point.

+1: Django's unit test framework rules.
+3  A: 

I recommend funkload for load testing web applications. It doesn't have anything particular to Django, but the tests are written very much like Python unit tests, so you'll feel right at home.

Ned Batchelder

Django comes with a pretty good set of tools for testings projects based around Python's unittest module. These are documented at

As an extension to the build in assertions I have a pet project called django test extensions which provides a number of helpers and shortcuts. See the examples folder for some examples of what you can do.

For functional in browser testing I've been using cucumber-nagios and watir (both Ruby tools).

As mentioned Funkload is useful for scripted load testing: It generated particularly nice reports and allows for various configuration tweaks. If you really need lots of load testing then Tsung is excellent

(sorry not all of these are actual links, I don't have the ability to post more than one hyperlink yet)
