Hi all,
I want to ask in which phase of Control Execution Lifecycle is the "Server-Side-Code written in aspx file" being executed?
Is it before SaveState or after, I claim it's in the rendering phase, is it true??
in aspx file if my code writen as
foreach (string item in myCollection)
i.Value = item;
i.Text = item;
<asp:RadioButtonList ID="rdlistAnswers" runat="server"</asp:RadioButtonList>
the changes made to the are rendered but not saved. but when write the tag as
<asp:RadioButtonList ID="rdlistAnswers" runat="server" OnPreRender="loadMe"</asp:RadioButtonList>
-as loadMe is an event handler method in the aspx.cs file makes the same thing as code above- the changes are rendered and saved, so when I do changes in PreRender phase the state is saved but when I do it by placing the logic in the aspx file its not saved, this means -at least as I claim- that server-side code placed in aspx file executes in rendering phase, do you agree me???