I am trying to compile Bigloo Scheme from source and I cannot figure out how to enable native thread support via ./configure
in OS X 10.5 (Leopard) (and I haven't read anywhere that threading is not supposed to work on this platform).
I run ./configure --enable-sqlite --enable-web --enable-ssl --enable-pthreads --enable-fthreads
, but then in the Configuration Summary I am always getting
Release features:
release number........................ 3.2a
supported backends.................... native:yes JVM:no .NET:no
default backend....................... native
additional APIs....................... fthreads pthreads ssl web sqlite ssl sqlite web multimedia mail calendar pkgcomp pkglib
native threads support................ no
openssl support....................... yes (dtls no)
sqlite support........................ sqltiny + sqlite
dynamic libraries support............. yes
bee support........................... partial
I want Bigloo in order to use Hop, and when I try to run it using so created binary I always get the warning
*** WARNING:bigloo:hop
Threads disabled, forcing "nothread" scheduler.
Any help will be much appreciated.