I'm about to build my first Ruby on Rails application (and first anything beyond xhtml and css), and I'm looking for some helpful feedback on my model structure.
I've included a mockup to help visual the application.
The only models I'm sure I need so far are:
1. a movie model (to serve as the main model, named movie so URL's will look like, "sitename.com/movies/1-Willy-Wonka") and
2. a user model
Other than those, I don't know what to make the others; like 'filming locations', 'actors', and most importantly, the attributes like 'willy wonka' and 'johnny depp'.
Should I make all of those models, even the attributes? If so, is it possible, and recommended, to let people create models as attributes?
I try to see the app as data created by forms and stored in databases, and with that pov I can't decide how to connect attributes (character <=> actor) to sections (actors, filming locations, artwork, etc.) inside a movie listing; while allowing the attributes themselves to be hyperlinks to related attributes/movies/even sections: clicking on 'steven speilberg' would bring you to a page with movies he's acted in, films he's directed, produced, written, etc.