



I need to build simple site "one big page" like 37signals product's pages, and I was thinking about this.

Anyone have an idea? are they using Radiant or coding manually?

+6  A: 

I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that they rolled their own using rails.

Gordon Wilson
Yeah doesn't really seem like they need a lot of the features a CMS provides, not does a CMS have a lot of the features they need.
Mike Robinson
Hell, it might be static HTML. Why bother with Rails to serve a half-dozen rarely changing pages?
1,000 monkeys at typewriters updating HTML on the fly?//whoops, I just described my job
Mike Robinson
+3  A: 

I doubt they have anything as formal as a CMS. I'm sure they rolled their own simple publishing mechanism that uses a few templates and a Rakefile. That's what I would do, anyway.

If you're looking for something to help publish static content, I would recommend Webby. Mike Clark has a writeup on Webby, Building Static Websites with Webby.

Ryan McGeary
+4  A: 

On the subject of publishing static content, Ryan's recommendation of Webby is good. Another simple and good ruby static site generator is Jekyll by Tom Preston-Werner.

Gordon Wilson
Agreed, Jekyll is also sweet.
Ryan McGeary
+1  A: 

And there's Nanoc too, like Webby I think.

+3  A: 

They have built their own blog engine and they call it "Blog Cabin". Here is a link to a blog post about when they made the switch from Type Pad: The new(ish) Signal vs. Noise

+15  A: 

Signal vs. Noise is run with our own little engine called Blog Cabin. It just does what we need it to do. The Product Blog is powered by Typepad.

Our marketing sites are coded and maintained manually.

Jason Fried
Welcome to SO, Jason
Gordon Wilson

I think webby is clever as well, although I really wish it had a built in mailer for sending form data by email.

Scott Miller