



+2  Q: 

JEE6 release date

JEE 6 looks exciting. It will include the Servlet 3.0 spec, EJB3.1 Lite, Profiles, JSF2.0 Restful API, JPA2.0 and the WebBeans. I tried to google the scheduled release date for the platform but could not find anything official. Anyone? Or is it just the way it works? As soon as all the JCP expert groups finish the specs will it be official?



The JSR316 (JavaTM Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 (Java EE 6) Specification) is, according to this very "Specification" page, "targeted to ship in 2008.".


If you compare their Stages with those of the previous JEE (JEE 5 in JSR 244), you will realize that:

  • JEE6 is at the "Early Draft Review " stage finished in November 2008
  • The number of months between JEE5 "Early Draft Review " and its final release was: 12 months (may 2005 to its final release in may 2006).

So here you go. I do not know if the parallel is accurate, but that is the only date you can guesstimate for now. Even though InfoQ or JavaOne2008 mentioned "early 2009" as a possible ship date, it might be a tiny bit later than that (like "Q4 2009"!)


Robert Chinnici's Blog is a good place to look - originally they were shooting for JavaOne 2009 release, now it looks later than that.

My best guess is they'd be working very hard to have some sort of preview for JavaOne 2009 - with production release probably 6 months after - ie late 2009.


According to this, it's scheduled for the Fall of this year.
