



I am in the process of designing/building a cross-platform game engine in C++. I would like to use an game API that has 2D/3D graphics, input, networking, audio, etc. One API I found that meets many of these requirements except for Audio is Amaltheia. Can anyone suggest an API that meets all my requirements or one that meets most of the requirements that is better than Amaltheia.


Ideaworks 3D has a great API that works on more systems than you could shake a stick at (including windows and linux), does networking, sound and 3d. It's a bit expensive though...

+7  A: 

You could look at SDL, it's a popular cross-platform multimedia library used in many games.

Also the Game Programming Wiki is a good source for lists of game programming libraries and engines

+1  A: 

Allegro is very popular. There is also a big community site for it here.

Wayne Koorts
Note: Allegro now has two branches, for all tastes, one supports legacy hardware, software rendering (for both 3D and 2D), and has OpenGL support that still supports you 2D code (unlike SDL, that if you use OpenGL you have to code using OpenGL directly, you can in Allegro 4.4 just load the OpenGL driver, and code like if you was using DirectDraw... it is REALLY cool, OpenGL Blit() ) the other branch, that will be in future 5.0, supports native OpenGL and D3D (if on windows, of course), but no software rendering... But it has better API

In case you get tired of C++, there's also something simpler: BlitzBasic

Paul Lefebvre
+4  A: 

Lots of people are using SFML these days, which is a bit more up to date than SDL.

Not only up to date, better organisation too!

Check out Unity Engine if your authoring is done in OSX