I would select from information_schema.tables and save the results to file to build a table list and then use a bat file or command line regex tool to use the table list as a source for comparisons against the files in the source code directory. You could output what files had a hit, and what table names were hit (what line the hit was on if you're interested). I'm not a grep whiz, but I think that would be the right sort of tool to use.
Depending on how the data access was handled, you might want to expand the search list to include stored procs from information_schema.routines
Edit 2 Approach using finstr, a cursor, and maybe the dark side
Please note that while the below should work, if pointed at the wrong directory, it could cause havoc. Also, it will only work if the source code is accessible from the server and xp_cmdshell is enabled. Maybe the whole idea is evil, I don't know.
create table #files (filepath varchar(4000))
create table #tablesfound (tablename sysname, filepath varchar(4000))
declare @sql nvarchar(4000)
Declare @cmd nvarchar(400)
Declare @dir varchar(256)
Declare @tbl sysname
set @dir = 'source code directory with e.g. c:\source\'
declare crsX cursor for
Select table_name from information_schema.tables
open crsX
Fetch Next from crsX into @tbl
While (@@Fetch_Status = 0)
set @cmd = 'findstr /S /M ' + quotename(@tbl, char(34)) + ' ' + @dir + '*.*'
insert into #files exec xp_cmdshell @cmd
if exists (Select 1 from #files where filepath is not null)
insert into #tablesfound (tablename, filepath)
Select @tbl, filepath from #files where filepath is not null
delete from #files
print @cmd
Fetch Next from crsX into @tbl
close crsX
Deallocate crsX
Select * from #tablesfound