



After trying to understand why client code is not rendered in a page (injected by user control) I found this link, it turns out you must have a form tag for it to work (Page.RegisterClientScriptBlock did declare this but ClientScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock which I use does not say anything regarding this).
I am using Visual studio 2005.
Does anyone know if this has been solved?

To clarify, I want my control to add javascript code to the head section of the page without having to use the

<form runat="server"

I have tried adding it using:

HtmlGenericControl x = new HtmlGenericControl("script");
x.InnerText = "alert('123');";

But this did not work for me.

+2  A: 

As far as I know this functions the same in current versions, you can test it very simply though.


per discussion in the comments, the only "workaround" that I could think of would be for your to manually insert the script into the "head" section of the page on your own, using a runat="server" declaration on the Head element.

Mitchel Sellers
I did test it and it does not work without the form tag. is there any work-around so I don't have to use the form runat='server' ?
Edited answer with a bit of detail.
Mitchel Sellers

The MSDN Page for registerclientscriptblock here says:

The client-side script is emitted just after the opening tag of the Page object's <form runat= server> element. The script block is emitted as the object that renders the output is defined, so you must include both tags of the <script> element.

If you do not want to include a form, than you will basically need to build your own implementation of it.

What do you mean by "build your own implementation of it" - I have no use for the form itself, I just want the script to be added to the page.

Got it!
My mistake was not doing it in the OnPreRender method (I used the Render method).

Now all that is needed is - like Mitchel Sellers wrote, set the header to runat server and than add to it's controls:

 HtmlGenericControl x = new HtmlGenericControl("script");
 x.InnerText = GetScriptSection();

Thanks for pointing me to the right direction!


Minor clarification for anyone seeing this:

The form tag must have the runat="server" attribute set, e.g.

<form id="theform" runat="server">

Just placing a regular HTML form tag in the page will not help.