



I have a base class, BaseObject, and a number of classes which derive from BaseObject (DerivedObject1, DerivedObject2 etc)

I have a collection of BaseObjects in which I storing the derived objects. The code I use to do this is:

// declaring and initializing the idictionary
public IDictionary<ulong, BaseObject> ObjectList = new Dictionary<ulong, BaseObject>();
// how i add derived objects to the collection
ObjectList.Add(TempObject.Guid, new DerivedObject1(this, TempObject.BaseAddress));
ObjectList.Add(TempObject2.Guid, new DerivedObject2(this, TempObject2.BaseAddress));

In the class where the collection is held, I am declaring a reference to an important object in the collection like this:

// in the class
public DerivedObject3 LocalPlayer;
// in a method inside a class
LocalPlayer = (DerivedObject3)ObjectList[TempObject.Guid];

After I call the method that assigns LocalPlayer a reference to the object held in the Idictionary, I attempt to access information (specific to 'DerivedObject3') about LocalPlayer in my main method:

static void Main()
    ObjectManager OM = new ObjectManager();

However this is just returning '0'. I think I must have accidently 'reset' the object. I'm not too experienced with .NET or OOP in general (this is a hobby).

I can post more code (real code as opposed to 'BaseObject' etc) if necessary. Thankyou.

Edit After a comment that I needed to post more code (I'm not sure which bits are related to the problem) I will post more code (and not use "BaseObject" etc any more) WowObject classes:

class WowObject
    protected const uint GuidOffset = 0x30,
        NextObjectOffset = 0x3C,
        TypeOffset = 0x14,
        XPositionOffset = 0x7D0,
        YPositionOffset = 0x7D4,
        ZPositionOffset = 0x7D8,
        RotationOffset = 0x7DC,
        DescriptorFieldsOffset = 0x8;

    protected uint baseAddress;
    protected ObjectManager OM;

    public WowObject(ObjectManager OM, uint baseAddress)
        this.baseAddress = baseAddress;
        this.OM = OM;

    public uint BaseAddress
        get { return baseAddress; }
        set { baseAddress = value; }

    public uint DescriptorFields
        get { return OM.ReadUInt32((IntPtr)(BaseAddress + DescriptorFieldsOffset)); }

    public int Type
        get { return OM.ReadInt32((IntPtr)(BaseAddress + TypeOffset)); }

    public virtual ulong Guid
        get { return OM.ReadULong((IntPtr)(BaseAddress + GuidOffset)); }
        set { return;  }

    public virtual float XPos
        get { return OM.ReadFloat((IntPtr)(BaseAddress + XPositionOffset)); }

    public virtual float YPos
        get { return OM.ReadFloat((IntPtr)(BaseAddress + YPositionOffset)); }

    public virtual float ZPos
        get { return OM.ReadFloat((IntPtr)(BaseAddress + ZPositionOffset)); }

    public float Rotation
        get { return OM.ReadFloat((IntPtr)(BaseAddress + RotationOffset)); }

class CreatureObject : WowObject
    protected const uint LevelOffset = 0x35 * 4,
        CurrentHealthOffset = 0x17 * 4,
        MaxHealthOffset = 0x1F * 4,
        CurrentManaOffset = 0x18 * 4,
        MaxManaOffset = 0x20 * 4,
        TargetGuidOffset = 0x12*4;
    private CreatureObject targetObject;

    public CreatureObject(ObjectManager OM, uint BaseAddress)
        : base(OM, BaseAddress)
    { }

    public CreatureObject TargetObject
        get { return targetObject; }
        set { targetObject = value; }

    public ulong TargetGuid
        get { return OM.ReadULong((IntPtr)(BaseAddress + TargetGuid)); }

    public int Level
        get { return OM.ReadInt32((IntPtr)(DescriptorFields + LevelOffset)); }

    public int CurrentHealth
        get { return OM.ReadInt32((IntPtr)(DescriptorFields + CurrentHealthOffset)); }

    public int MaxHealth
        get { return OM.ReadInt32((IntPtr)(DescriptorFields + MaxHealthOffset)); }

    public int CurrentMana
        get { return OM.ReadInt32((IntPtr)(DescriptorFields + CurrentMana)); }

    public int MaxMana
        get { return OM.ReadInt32((IntPtr)(DescriptorFields + MaxManaOffset)); }

    public int HealthPercent
            double percentage = CurrentHealth / MaxHealth;
            percentage = percentage * 100;
            return (int)Math.Round(percentage);

class NpcObject : CreatureObject
    protected const uint SummonedByOffset = 0xE * 4,
        AttackingGuidOffset = 0x0A38;

    public NpcObject(ObjectManager OM, uint BaseAddress)
        : base(OM, BaseAddress)
    { }

    public ulong AttackingGuid
        get { return OM.ReadULong((IntPtr)(BaseAddress + AttackingGuidOffset)); }

    public ulong SummonedBy
        get { return OM.ReadULong((IntPtr)(DescriptorFields + SummonedByOffset)); }

class PlayerObject : CreatureObject
    protected const uint CurrentRageOffset = 0x19 * 4,
        CurrentEnergyOffset = 0x1B * 4,
        MaxEnergyOffset = 0x23 * 4;

    public PlayerObject(ObjectManager OM, uint BaseAddress)
        : base(OM, BaseAddress)
    { }

    public int CurrentRage
            int RageTemp = OM.ReadInt32((IntPtr)(DescriptorFields + CurrentRageOffset));
            return (int)(Math.Floor((double)(RageTemp / 10)));

    public int MaxRage
        get { return 100; }

    public int CurrentEnergy
        get { return OM.ReadInt32((IntPtr)(DescriptorFields + CurrentEnergyOffset)); }

    public int MaxEnergy
        get { return OM.ReadInt32((IntPtr)(DescriptorFields + MaxEnergyOffset)); }

class LocalCharacter : PlayerObject
    private ulong guid = 0;

    public LocalCharacter(ObjectManager OM, uint BaseAddress)
        : base(OM, BaseAddress)
    { }

    public override ulong Guid
        get { return guid; }
        set { guid = value; }

class GameObject : WowObject
    protected const uint gameObject_XPos = 0x10 * 4,
        gameObject_YPos = 0x11 * 4,
        gameObject_ZPos = 0x12 * 4;

    public GameObject(ObjectManager OM, uint BaseAddress)
        : base(OM, BaseAddress)
    { }

    public override float XPos
        get { return OM.ReadFloat((IntPtr)(DescriptorFields + gameObject_XPos)); }

    public override float YPos
        get { return OM.ReadFloat((IntPtr)(DescriptorFields + gameObject_YPos)); }

    public override float ZPos
        get { return OM.ReadFloat((IntPtr)(DescriptorFields + gameObject_ZPos)); }

class DynamicObject : WowObject
    protected const uint dynamicObject_XPos = 0xB * 4,
        dynamicObject_YPos = 0xC * 4,
        dynamicObject_ZPos = 0xD * 4;

    public DynamicObject(ObjectManager OM, uint BaseAddress)
        : base(OM, BaseAddress)
    { }

    public override float XPos
        get { return OM.ReadFloat((IntPtr)(DescriptorFields + dynamicObject_XPos)); }

    public override float YPos
        get { return OM.ReadFloat((IntPtr)(DescriptorFields + dynamicObject_YPos)); }

    public override float ZPos
        get { return OM.ReadFloat((IntPtr)(DescriptorFields + dynamicObject_ZPos)); }

class CorpseObject : WowObject
    protected const uint corpseObject_XPos = 0xB * 4,
            corpseObject_YPos = 0xC * 4,
            corpseObject_ZPos = 0xD * 4;

    public CorpseObject(ObjectManager OM, uint BaseAddress)
        : base(OM, BaseAddress)
    { }

    public override float XPos
        get { return OM.ReadFloat((IntPtr)(DescriptorFields + corpseObject_XPos)); }

    public override float YPos
        get { return OM.ReadFloat((IntPtr)(DescriptorFields + corpseObject_YPos)); }

    public override float ZPos
        get { return OM.ReadFloat((IntPtr)(DescriptorFields + corpseObject_ZPos)); }

The Object Manager - extends a memory reading class (which is where ReadUInt32 etc comes from)

class ObjectManager : Memory
    public IDictionary<ulong, WowObject> ObjectList = new Dictionary<ulong, WowObject>();

    public LocalCharacter LocalPlayer;

    private const uint staticClientConnection = 0x011CA310,     // static client connection, same address every boot
        objectManagerOffset = 0x28A4,                           // offset from the ClientConnection to the object manager
        localGuidOffset = 0xC0,                                 // offset from the object manager to the local guid
        firstObjectOffset = 0xAC,                               // offset from the object manager to the first object
        nextObjectOffset = 0x3C;                                // offset from
    private uint objectManagerBase;                             // the address off the object manager

    public void LoadAddresses()
        objectManagerBase = ReadUInt32((IntPtr)(ReadUInt32((IntPtr)(staticClientConnection)) + objectManagerOffset));
        LocalPlayer = new LocalCharacter(this, ReadUInt32((IntPtr)(objectManagerBase + localGuidOffset)));

    public void PopulateList()
        WowObject TempObject = new WowObject(this, ReadUInt32((IntPtr)(objectManagerBase + firstObjectOffset)));

        while (TempObject.BaseAddress != 0 && TempObject.BaseAddress % 2 == 0)
            if (TempObject.Type == 3)
                ObjectList.Add(TempObject.Guid, new NpcObject(this, TempObject.BaseAddress));
            if (TempObject.Type == 4)
                if (TempObject.Guid != LocalPlayer.Guid)
                    ObjectList.Add(TempObject.Guid, new PlayerObject(this, TempObject.BaseAddress));
                    ObjectList.Add(TempObject.Guid, new PlayerObject(this, TempObject.BaseAddress));
                    LocalPlayer = (LocalCharacter)ObjectList[TempObject.Guid];

            TempObject.BaseAddress = ReadUInt32((IntPtr)(TempObject.BaseAddress + nextObjectOffset));

Main method:

static void Main()
    ObjectManager OM = new ObjectManager();
    OM.SetProcess("Wow", "Read");

Make the method from the base class virtual and the one from the derived class override. And a rule of thumb, avoid downcasting to a specific type, you should use properties/methods from the base class.

Adrian Magdas

If you store multiple objects of the same base type in a collection generally you never want to specify the exact type of the object. Take a look at this blog post on OOD principles. Specifically you're violating the Liskov Substitution principle which is explained briefly in this article and a more indepth explanation is linked to there.

I'd recommend reading over this article a few times, taking sometime to explore OOD both on the links included in that blog and on Wikipedia as it is a very technical subject. It's not something that can commonly be learned in a single reading. It's also something that requires conscious effort to use correctly even after you understand the concepts but it is basically imperative in writing software in the current day.

Chris Marisic