



I had a VS2008 project that was showing this warning, and I couldn't find a solution anywhere - perhaps my google-fu is weak.

In any case, the apparent solution to this is to make sure that the TagName is the name of control class.

So for my example, the following displayed the warning:

<%@ Register Src="~/path/to/Control.ascx" TagName="tagName" TagPrefix="tagprefix" %>

<tagprefix:tagName runat="server" id="controlID" />

But changing it to:

<%@ Register Src="~/path/to/Control.ascx" TagName="Control" TagPrefix="tagprefix" %>

<tagprefix:Control runat="server" id="controlID" />

fixes it.


+2  A: 

This sounds like a classic re-build your solution and "close and re-open Visual Studio" problem.

It's possible it may also be related to a similar problem I had which I answered at

Jason Snelders

YES!! Thank you so much. This error seems to come up every once in awhile for me and I can never figure it out. After reading your solution I copied and pasted the name from the class itself into the tagname attribute and it worked. I'm not sure if that forced a re-build of the designer file, or if I had a typo when I originally typed it but doing this fixed my bug. Thanks!


I had also the same problem. I tried to change the tag prefix but still it didn't work. I had a link button inside a normal html-table. After a very long time I found out that the error occurred when the link button was inside <h10>-element. The <h10> is marked in the css file so I don't understand why it gave that error.


Apparently this can also happen if the Namespace name in the .ascx file doesn't match the namespace in the ascx.cs (codebehind) file. Just one more issue to check.

Glade Mellor