



Hi All,

I'm trying to use jQuery in a bookmarklet, which means I don't have control of the page into which the JavaScript will be inserted. From what I've read of noConflict, it requires that jQuery be inserted first. In the case of a bookmarklet, just the opposite is true.

So - does anyone have any suggestions on whether or not this is possible? I've found it works except on pages that are using prototype.js. On those pages, when I try to use the jQuery UI library, I get the error "this.cloneNode is not a function" in the bowels of jQuery, presumably because something in prototype is mucking with it.

Any help/advice would be appreciated.


noConflict has to be called after jQuery is included, and before some other library is included. So it's fine to include jQuery last, and then call noConflict -- it should then return the $ variable to whatever it was before jQuery was included.

It's sort of pain. Your bookmarklet needs to:

if(!jQuery) {
    var $ = jQuery.noConflict();
} else {
    var $ = jQuery;
// do things with $

So as to avoid wrecking the page if it already had jQuery.

That's what I'm doing. In fact, I'm not even assigning or using $, I'm doing something like var myCustomVar = jQuery.noConflict(); and using that to prevent stomping on the rest of the page. My issue is that jQuery throws an error on cloneNode, which I think is being affected by prototype.