Description of how a webhook works from -
How do they work?
By letting the user specify a URL for various events, the application will POST data to those URLs when the events occur...Among other things, you can:
- create notifications to you or anybody via email, IRC, Jabber, ...
- put the data in another app (real-time data synchronization)
- process the data and repost it using the app's API
- validate the data and potentially prevent it from being used by the app
Who is using web hooks?
DevjaVu, BitBucket, GitHub, Shopify, Versionshelf, PayPal (IPN), Jott (Links), IMified, PBwiki, Facebook (Platform, sort of),, SMTP2Web, Astrotrain, Notifixious, Assembla, ZenDesk, Google Code
Do you know of any good uses of webhooks?