



Has anybody encountered this problem that DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery deletes the query itself, the second time it is run? Is there any workaround/patch for this bug (at least seems like a bug to me)?

Is there a better way to do this?

+1  A: 

I think the behaviour you described "...deletes the query itself, the second time it is run" occurs when the query returns no records.

Mitch Wheat
I tested this after you shown me this possibility, but it does not seem to be the case. In fact this time, I ran it twice and it worked. Very weird.
Varun Mahajan

I could not recreate your error, even with a query that returned 0 records. Maybe your file was corrupt?

Are you including the objectname, Outputformat, and Output file in your code? Yor example did not include them.

Jeff O
I did include objectname, Outputformat, and Output file in code. Most probable reason seems to be that the file is corrupt.
Varun Mahajan
+1  A: 

Re: your comment.

Did you do a file copy, or did you copy the objects between two databases? IF the second, you might want to try doing a compact and repair on a file-copy of the original.

You might even want to try that on the real original.

I did not copy anything between databases.
Varun Mahajan


this also happening to me also right now.

you were able to fix this ?

cheers Alex

Have you patched your Access installation to have the latest service packs?

Hi, it happens to me too. I'm using Access 2003.

The only workaround I've found is to preserve a copy of the original mdb, this way I can restore the mdb when it happens.

It seems that Access 2007 doesn't have this problem.

Mauro Stangalini