



Looking for a good overview about .NET web services and SOA architecture. Any suggestions?

Any good links?


In my opinion, the best book for SOA in general is Hohpe and Woolf's Enterprise Integration Patterns. It's the bible for messaging.

It is pre-WCF, so it uses MSMQ for the code samples (along with java), but it is very straightforward and really clarifies a lot of the problems of concurrency/transactions and how to design an enterprise SOA system with great examples and great clarity.

Guy Starbuck
+2  A: 

MSDN got quite detailed documentation about WCF web services including technical view and best practices etc. Check out Understanding SOA

The book I found quite useful is Essential Windows Communication Foundation (WCF): For .NET Framework 3.5 (Microsoft .NET Development Series) which covers most of the latest .NET web service features, from architecture to developing web service for different scnenarios.


For a high level (read: introductory) overview I'd recommend reading ASP.NET 3.5 Application Architecture and Design from Packt Publishing.

Here is a link to the full table of contents. Chapter 7 is probably the most relevant for you.

Ian Robinson
+2  A: 

Michelle Bustamante's Learning WCF.

While specifically related to WCF, it has a ton of background information of SOA principles, etc.

Excellent book. She worked very closely with the WCF team when they were designing/building. Very highly respected and knows her stuff. Must read. Also, you might want to check out her apperances on the dotnet rocks podcast.

Todd Friedlich
Or any other book on SOA from any of the folks at idesign for that matter!

I found Learning WC F to be out of date in a few areas.

Programming WCF Services by Juval Lowy was printed very recently and should be right upto date. It is however heavier going than Learning WCF.

I am currently reading RESTful.NET By Jon Flanders which is proving to be interesting.


You may want to take a look at my list of good recently published .NET related books:

Koistya Navin