



Boy do I have a strange bug. I have a website that needs to upload large files. We are using the standard ASPx FileUpload control. We have modified the web.config to allow really large files.

I am doing all these tests in FireFox, IE6, and IE7. For my test I am using a few 20 MB files (AVI, PDF, Excel). The file type does not affect the results. I can upload these files just fine in all browsers with about the same results. Each file takes between 30 and 40 seconds. If I turn on SSL on my website, the code still works, but the upload in IE takes 5 to 10 times as long. Everything works, it is just way slower. I used file monitor, and it looks like IE is reading the file 3 times. FireFox reads it only one time. I also have noticed this slowness in IE occurs on PCs with Office 2003 or 2007 installed.

How often does IE wants to renegotiate the SSL keys? Can I change this? Why would FireFox be so fast? Most of my users have IE, so this is a real pain.

Any ideas?



The first thing I would do is fire up fiddler and observe the converstations between the server and the browsers to see if there is any difference in behaviour.

Caveat: Fiddler can actually actually change the way SSL works so it may not be fully trustworthy guide but it might give you clues as to where to look.

Fiddler helpped. Thanks. I can see that IE is making extra calls, and renegotiate the SSL keys more often that FireFox. What I do not get, it why IE works correctly of some systems that appear to have the same configuration. If I find an answer I will post it here.
Bobby Ortiz