




What tutorial would you say is the best, "complete" tutorial?

It can be for a language (say, Python, or Lisp), a framework (Rails, Django), or even a concept or programming task (say, writing a parser)

The only restrictions (or guidelines, perhaps) are:

  • It should ideally be free (as a web-page, or PDF, or screencast).
  • It should progress from explaining the basics, to being able to create useful things.
  • It can assume some knowledge about programming, or the underlying language (for "framework tutorials"). For example, a tutorial that covers writing a Ruby web-framework from start-to-finish doesn't need to explain how to install Ruby and use irb.
  • It should not be too "theoretical" (I should be writing code along with it)
  • One tutorial link per answer.

Some examples:

  • "Practical Common Lisp" http://www.gigamonkeys.com/book/ - covers Lisp, from explaining the benefits of Lisp, using the Lisp command-line-prompt REPL, to writing an .mp3 ID3 tag-parser, HTML generation libraries
  • Dive into Python http://www.diveintopython.org/ - aimed at people who programmed before, but not in Python. Explains a huge range of topics, mainly focused on "How do I ___" tasks, for example "How do I deal with XML in Python". Useful both as a "how do I.." reference, and a complete tutorial (as it explains many language features via practical example)
+2  A: 

The Django Book

A good introduction to the Django Web Framework.

+1  A: 

For my money there is no better place for ASP learning than the tutorials available at http://www.asp.net/learn/. In particular the Data Access Tutorial by Scott Mitchell is incredibly helpful.

+1  A: 

Why's (Poignant) Guide to Ruby, duh. ;-)

+3  A: 

Sun's Java Tutorial helped me tremendously when I was just starting out.

John T
+1  A: 

The Art of Assembly was a great starting point for me when I ventured into assembly. Although the 32-bit edition uses HLA, it is the theory taught behind it that helped me understand assembly. The 16-bit editions are a good read as well.

John T
+2  A: 

The C Programming Language. It's not free, but it takes you all the way through the language, is short, and an excellent introduction. Probably the best language book ever written.

Steve Rowe
+1  A: 

The Python Tutorial

Best way I can think of to get your feet wet with Python.

Yuval A