



When I checkout my SVN repository using the command line

TortoiseProc /command:checkout /path:"C:/Sandbox/SPB" /url:"" /closeonend:3

I can access all the files within it just fine. However, this prompts me for the checkout, which I don't want. Per the manual page on automation:

Remember that TortoiseSVN is a GUI client, and this automation guide shows you how to make the TortoiseSVN dialogs appear to collect user input. If you want to write a script which requires no input, you should use the official Subversion command line client instead.

However, when I checkout my repository via

svn co c:/sandbox/SPB

and try to run any executable, I get the error

Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item.

Changing the slashes doesn't do anything. I can't run the command prompt as an Administrator because I'm not an Administrator.
Stuart P. Bentley
What if I just run svn with no arguments? Um... it tells me it has insufficient arguments and tells me the argument for help?
Stuart P. Bentley