



I would like to create an object client side and add it to another object.

I'm using velocity and Spring.

I form a command object and pass it to the view as a backing object.

I want to create and add a new object to this command object without saving either object to the db.

The reason for this is that I want to have some persistence if there are errors during save. I want the command to be given back to the user in the same state it was submitted.

Thanks for the answers. Being more specific, I need to bind a number of fields to an object of an object.

For example if I wanted to create a new contact and add them to a customer acc. So the contact is made up of a number of strings. so I need to bind the strings to the contact and then bind the contact to a collection of contacts on the customer acc.

I'd like to do it in an expanding div so the user doesn't have to leave the page.


Check out the Spring Validation framework. It'll handle what you'd like to do.


Support for this is built into the Spring Web MVC framework.

You need to implement a Validator for your command object and set this as the validator for your form controller. See Chapter 5 of the Spring reference for more details regarding validators.

Using the Spring velocity macros you bind your command object to the HTML form. The #springShowErrors macro is used to handle showing validiation errors.
