



We have some projects that have CPPUnit tests that are build and run using an ant script to build them all (right now we're using Borland C++, but we're moving to VS2008).

The problem is that the interface to run and see the result of tests is unpleasant (command prompt). It would be awesome to have them run inside eclipse or VS2008.

It would be a lot better if a plugin that I could select the tests I want to run and get some visual feedback (green bar/red bar), pointing me to the tests that failed and the messages.

This exists with JUnit in Eclipse (for java), but is there something similar for C++ using Eclipse CDT or VS2008? A UI test runner would be usefull too, so I could launch the UI as a Post build action.

EDIT (possible answer):

I found this project: ECUT, however I didn't test it yet. Looks promising thou. I'll update this question as soon as I get more experience with the project.


I believe there's a GUI test runner that comes with cppunit, you could use that in your post build event.

Idan K
+1  A: 

Their doesn't seem to be a test runner for within Visual Studio, just the MfcTestRunner and the QtTestRunner.

For Visual Studio, Resharper and TestDriven.Net are the usual suspects to first look for test runners, but both don't have support for CPPUnit.

Bryan Bailliache

cxxunit is another solution for test framework.

jack london