First, it's OK to require if to have an else clause, if it makes it easier for you. Second, Scheme supports returning multiple values from a function, so if you were to implement the return values as a list, you could have an empty list signify that no return value was given.
(if (has-alternative if-expr)
(eval (alternative if-expr)) ; make sure eval returns a list
An important distinction here: I'm not returning an empty list if there was no else clause. The empty list signifies that there was no return value. If there were one return value from an expression (say it was 3) you would have (3) as the return from the eval behind the scenes. Similarly, returning multiple values from an expression would cause the eval return list to have multiple elements.
Finally, in all practicality, you could really return anything if the condition fails and there's no else, because it would be an error in a program to attempt to capture the value of a function that doesn't return anything. As such, it would be the job of the programmer, not the language, to catch this error.