



Are there sample ASP.NET projects around using the patterns discussed in the book by Martin Fowler (Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture)?

I have downloaded the Northwind starters kit and Dinner Now, which are very good. Are there others that use things like Unit of Work, Repository, ...

thx, Lieven Cardoen

+1  A: as C# and VB.NET GoF pattern examples. They also have a full ASP.NET web application example detailing the use of the patterns, although I don't think that is a free download.

+1  A: 

You could maybe have a look at cuyahoga. It uses NHibernate (which is an implementation of the UnitOfWork pattern (and it also uses the identity map pattern).

Frederik Gheysels
+1  A: 

The Composite Client Application Guidance for WPF has some examples of unit testing and nHibernate.

Also, if your looking for good nHibernate screencasts check out the Summer of nHibernate
