



Anybody know of a way to batch NHibernate queries using NHibernate.Linq like you can do with MultiCriteria and ICriteria objects?

With MultiCriteria I can create something like this:

var crit = session.CreateMultiCriteria()

var result = crit.List();
var list1 = (IList)result[0];
var list2 = (IList)result[1];

It would be nice if I replace the CreateCriteria calls with Linq calls and get something like this:

var crit = session.CreateMultiCriteria()
                .Add(session.Linq<Entity1>().Where(x => x.Property1 == "Value1")
                .Add(session.Linq<Entity2>().Where(x => x.Property2 == "Value2");

var result = crit.List();
var list1 = (IList<Entity1>)result[0];
var list2 = (IList<Entity2>)result[1];

We're using the Linq API for most of our other queries and it would be nice to use the same Linq syntax when we need to run MultiCriteria queries as well.


+1  A: 

NHibernate.Linq itself uses NHibernateQueryTranslator to translate from the LINQ expression to an ICriteria. You could do this too, then pass the resulting ICriteria into your IMultiCriteria.

James L
Thanks, I'll have to look into the NHibernateQueryTranslator and see if I can make something work.
Andrew Hanson

I have a solution that enables both batching a fetching strategies using NHibernate Linq, but the code is king of complex. It's too much to list here. I am going to be talking about it on my blog on pretty soon. I'll update this comment when I write the first post.

I look forward to reading your post.
Andrew Hanson
+2  A: 
var query = from q in session.Linq<Person>()
            where q.FirstName.StartsWith(firstName)
            && q.LastName.StartsWith(lastName)
            && q.Phones.Any(p => p.Number.Contains(phone))
            select q;

// This block of code was found in the NHibernate.Linq source
// using NHibernate.Linq.Visitors;
// using NHibernate.Engine;
System.Linq.Expressions.Expression expression = query.Expression;
expression = Evaluator.PartialEval(expression);
expression = new BinaryBooleanReducer().Visit(expression);
expression = new AssociationVisitor((ISessionFactoryImplementor)session.SessionFactory).Visit(expression);
expression = new InheritanceVisitor().Visit(expression);
expression = CollectionAliasVisitor.AssignCollectionAccessAliases(expression);
expression = new PropertyToMethodVisitor().Visit(expression);
expression = new BinaryExpressionOrderer().Visit(expression);
NHibernateQueryTranslator translator = new NHibernateQueryTranslator(session);
object results = translator.Translate(expression, ((INHibernateQueryable)query).QueryOptions);

// My LINQ query converted to ICriteria
ICriteria resultsCriteria = results as ICriteria;
// Convert to criteria that returns the row count
ICriteria rowCountCriteria = CriteriaTransformer.TransformToRowCount(resultsCriteria);

IList multiResults = session.CreateMultiCriteria()

IList people = (IList)multiResults[0];
int resultsCount = (int)((IList)multiResults[1])[0];

