
Linq to NHibernate multiple OrderBy calls

I'm having trouble ordering by more than one field in my Linq to NHibernate query. Does anyone either know what might be wrong or if there is a work around? Thanks! Rob Code: IQueryable<AgendaItem> items = _agendaRepository.GetAgendaItems(location) .Where(item => item.Minutes.Contains(query) || item.Description.Contains(query)); ...

Bidi associations and NHibernate mapping

I have classes BidiParent and BidiChildList which link parents and children in a bidirectional parent-child relationship. If a child's parent is updated by e.g. the service layer, the old and new parents' children lists are automatically updated to reflect the change. Likewise, if a parent's children list is updated by e.g. adding a new ...

Linq to NHibernate project status? Contributing? Lead?

Anyone knows what is the status of the Linq to NHibernate project? Is it in any kind of "production"? Cannot find the project site (bug reports, feature requests, people etc.), so that I could try to contribute? The latest post I was able to find was about Linq to NHibernate in LinqPad, and some Ayende's posts back from 2007... ...

Best way to delete all rows in a table using NHibernate?

To keep my integration tests independent I remove all old data and insert new test data before each test. Is there a better way of doing this than simply querying for all entities and deleting them one by one? I have considered writing a stored proc that runs "delete from tablename;" for each table that is to be cleared. That ought to q...

How to return first object of a collection from its parent

I am looking to do the following with a single database query if possible. public class Location { public string URL {get;set;} public IList<Page> Pages {get;set;} } Page firstPage = Session.Linq<Location>() .Where(location => location.URL == "some-location-url") .Select(location => location.Pages).FirstOrDefault(...

Linq to NHibernate

I have been looking around for some example projects or tutorials on Linq to Nhibernate. Does anyone know of any good ones? ...

strange linq to nhibernate issue, Invalid cast from 'System.Int32'

Calling Get in the following code works fine: public class ContractService : IContractService { private readonly IRepository<Contract> repository; public ContractService(IRepository<Contract> repository) { this.repository = repository; } public Contract Get(int contractId) { return repository.Query()....

interface design with Linq2Nibernate and IQuerable

When using Linq2Nibernate is better to make you Repository return a IQuerable? My understanding is that if you use Linq to Nibernate the the query will not "fire" until you call .First() or Single() ect ect. So would it not be best to return IQuerable from all you Interfaces so you can build up\manipulate the expression tree before it ...

Linq to Nibernate design

I thought that the purpose of using Linq2Nibernate was to return IQueryable and build up an expression tree. I am not sure if this is correct or not. Why would anyone use Linq2Nibernate if they are not going to return IQueryable? What else would it be used for? I would love some more input on this topic Linq For Nhibernate ...

Is Linq to NHibernate in the 2.1 Alpha release?

So the nHibernate 2.1 Alpha came out a few days ago, but the announcement on sourceforge doesn't mention the additional features. In particular, it doesn't mention whether LINQ is included. I know that I've read that LINQ would be part of 2.1, but that was 6 months ago. Anybody know if LINQ is in 2.1 or what new features are? There's no ...

NHibernate.Linq and MultiCriteria

Anybody know of a way to batch NHibernate queries using NHibernate.Linq like you can do with MultiCriteria and ICriteria objects? With MultiCriteria I can create something like this: var crit = session.CreateMultiCriteria() .Add(session.CreateCriteria(typeof(Entity1)).Add(Restrictions.Eq("Property1","Value")) ...

NHibernate Linq and DistinctRootEntity

When I execute the following query, I get an exception telling me that 'feedItemQuery' contains multiple items (so SingleOrDefault doesn't work). This is expected behaviour when using the Criteria api WITHOUT the DistinctRootEntity transformer, but when using linq, I expect to get a single root entity (FeedItem, with the property Ads (of...

FirstOrDefault() breaks FetchType=join with Linq to NHibernate

If i do Session.Linq<MyClass>().Where(x => x.Id = someId).FirstOrDefault(); where MyClass has a set of eager loaded child object on it, the FirstOrDefault() seems to prevent this from working by adding a TOP 1 to the SQL. Is this just a bug (feature?) in Linq2NH (which i understand is being rewritten) or am I missing something? Is...

Retrieving object and child collection in NHibernate using Linq

Hi, I have a problem using Linq to NHibernate to load an object and eagerly load a child collection. The objects look like this: public class Order { public Guid Id {get; set; } public IList<OrderLine> OrderLines {get;set;} } public class OrderLine { public Guid Id {get;set;} public string Item {get;set;} } I am tryi...

Querying unmapped properties in nhibernate

I am working with Linq-To-NHibernate. I need to use some properties that is not mapped to columns. For example Repository<Person> .Find() .Select(p => new PersonModel() { Id = p.Id, FullName= p.FullName,Position = p.Position }); The position is not a mapped property, it contains some logic. I got unmapped property error. Thank...

Linq query with left join and group

I'm unable to convert this SQL query into a working linq statement select sum(cena), id_auta, max(servis) from dt_poruchy left outer join mt_auta on where dt_poruchy.servis>=3 group by id_auta; I tryed something like this but i cant handle the select statement var auta = from a in MtAuta.FindAll() ...

Linq to NHibernate generating 3,000+ SQL statements in one request!

Hi, I've been developing a webapp using Linq to NHibernate for the past few months, but haven't profiled the SQL it generates until now. Using NH Profiler, it now seems that the following chunk of code hits the DB more than 3,000 times when the Linq expression is executed. var activeCaseList = from c in UserRepository.GetCases...

Linq-to-NHibernate Query with multiple entities?

Does Linq-to-NHibernate support retrieving data from multiple entities in a single query? e.g. Dim query = From f In context.Session.Linq(Of Floor)() _ Select f.Id, f.Name, f.Building.Id, f.Building.Name Dim results = query.ToList() Where Building is the parent entity of Floor ...

Filtering entities by subtype with NHibernate.Linq

Given this inheritance mapping: <hibernate-mapping xmlns="urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.2"> <class name="User" table="[User]" abstract="true"> <joined-subclass name="SubUser1" table="SubUser1"> <key column="UserId" /> ... </joined-subclass> <joined-subclass name="SubUser2" table="SubUser2">...

Complex queries in linq to nhibernate

Hi, We are using accountability pattern for organizational structure. I using linq to nhibernate to find some departments and position but I have two problem. var query = Repository<Party>.Find(p => p.IsInternal == true) .Where(p => p.Parents.Any(c => c.Parent.PartyId == id)) .Where(p => ( p.PartyType.PartyTyp...