



Calling Get in the following code works fine:

public class ContractService : IContractService
    private readonly IRepository<Contract> repository;

    public ContractService(IRepository<Contract> repository)
     this.repository = repository;

    public Contract Get(int contractId)
     return repository.Query().Where(x => x.Id == contractId).FirstOrDefault();

but when i do this:

public class ContractService : CRUDService<Contract>, IContractService
    public ContractService(IRepository<Contract> repository) : base(repository)

public class CRUDService<TEntity> : ICRUDService<TEntity> where TEntity : IEntity
    protected readonly IRepository<TEntity> repository;

    public CRUDService(IRepository<TEntity> repository)
     this.repository = repository;

    public TEntity Get(int id)
     var entities = this.repository.Query().Where(s => s.Id == id);
     return entities.FirstOrDefault();

"entities" inside the get method throws an exception when you iterate over it:

Invalid cast from 'System.Int32' to 'TEntity' (where TEntity is the type name)

Anyone got any idea why?

Edit: here's what the different expressions look like:

In the generic version (top one), it seems to be trying to convert x for some reason, which must be because of the generics :s

{value(NHibernate.Linq.Query`1[Contract]).Where(x => (Convert(x).Id = value(CRUDService`1+<>c__DisplayClass0[Contract]).Id)).FirstOrDefault()}

{value(NHibernate.Linq.Query`1[Contract]).Where(x => (x.Id = value(ContractService+<>c__DisplayClass2).Id)).FirstOrDefault()}

(namespaces omitted for clarity)

2nd Edit: It seems to be when it tries to convert between IEntity and the instance type (TEntity)

here is IEntity:

public interface IEntity
 int Id { get; }

3rd Edit: it seems to be the Convert(x) that causes the AssociationVisitor to not properly visit the expression tree and convert "Convert(x).Id"

4th Edit: And there we go, someones already found the bug!




I've ran into this in the past and it usually boils down to the field in the database table you're reading is not in a compatible format. Like booleans don't convert to integers.

Check your field types in the table and make sure they are compatible. Maybe your Id column is a BIGINT?

i agree that could cause an "invalid cast" exception, but thats not whats going on here. Read the code and the bug report on jira. Its a bug caused by the generics
Andrew Bullock
+2  A: 

I believe the problem is that Linq/NHibernate is trying to map IEntity.Id to a table column instead of TEntity.Id. I had this problem with a LinqToSql repository implementation. The way around it was to use an expression like this:

private static Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> GetFindExpression(string propertyName, object value)
    ParameterExpression parameterExpression = Expression.Parameter(typeof (TEntity), "id");
    MemberExpression propertyExpression = Expression.Property(parameterExpression, propertyName);

    Expression bodyExpression = Expression.Equal(propertyExpression, Expression.Constant(value));

    return Expression.Lambda<Func<TEntity, bool>>(bodyExpression, parameterExpression);

So this would change Get(id) to:

public TEntity Get(int id)
    var entities = Query.Where(GetFindExpression("Id", id));
    return entities.FirstOrDefault();


If you don't want to deal with expressions (they can be tricky!), you could use the Dynamic LINQ library as described by Scott Guthrie here:

That would change Get(id) to:

public TEntity Get(int id)
    var entities = Query.Where("Id = @0", id);
    return entities.FirstOrDefault();
"I believe the problem is that Linq/NHibernate is trying to map IEntity.Id to a table column instead of TEntity.Id." I totally agree. I like the idea of transforming the lambda, I'm going to try and make a generic version which will handle all transforms... stay tuned
Andrew Bullock

I am having the same problem :(

The following does not work.

public override T Load(int id)
    return (from t in _sessionFactory.Session.Linq<T>()
            where t.ID == id 
            select t).SingleOrDefault();

The following does!

public override Product Load(int id)
    return (from t in _sessionFactory.Session.Linq<Product>()
            where t.ID == id
            select t).SingleOrDefault();

Linq to NHibernate is currently being rewritten, im working around this until its released.

Andrew Bullock

The bug has been reported but not yet fixed:

I have posted a simple test case to reproduce it.

Let's hope it get's addressed soon!

i noticed you added a test case, nice work. Hopefully they'll fix this soon!
Andrew Bullock