



I am developing a Windows application using Ruby. What is the best GUI editor for Ruby?

+1  A: 

IMO e is the best editor on windows.

Matt Briggs
please spell it correctly
what isn't spelled correctly? it is called e.
Matt Briggs
+1  A: 

I've had a good experience with RubyMine from JetBrains. It's free for now, and you get some nice refactoring and syntax highlighting too.

Michael Joseph Kramer
I'm a total jetbrains fanboy for java and .net development, thanks for pointing out rubymine
Matt Briggs
+3  A: 

If you are working on ruby, Go, get a mac. Use textmate.

Oh, well down modded. But allow me to explain.

Matz, the Ruby creator has been working for Apple to bring Ruby closer and well coupled with their OS technologies.

Not the least, the elegance is in the philosophy, in both. Not for nothing, Matz himself uses the Mac, so also DHH, and most other Ruby developers.

If you still need a Ruby editor on Windows, use Komodo Edit or Scite.

Lakshman Prasad
Suddenly Ruby sounds awfully expensive.
Who cares if they're trying to get Apple to couple it better? Nobody picks their OS based upon the programming languages. The goal should be to make the language consistent across all platforms. And really, it doesn't matter: this is a terrible answer to this question.
Pesto: If the OS is better able to handle your prog language, doesn't it contribute to better UX? Altho the goal is to make language consistent, practically it doesn't happen! Ruby is faster in a Mac. Add to that, if U like Ruby's elegance, U'll possibly also like that of a Mac. Why not?
Lakshman Prasad
Because it's like answering the question "What color truck should I buy?" with "None, buy a sedan!" It doesn't answer the question. Further, a poor performance on the market leader is nothing but a sign that Ruby needs to be improved on Windows to gain traction.
I agree with Pesto. You could have just as easily suggested e for a TextMate alternative.
Robert S.
I _have_ suggested Scite or Komodo as an alternative. I have added "But there is more U need to know and that is, if U like Ruby, you will probably also like a Mac."
Lakshman Prasad
+3  A: 

well there's Netbeans 6.5, Notepad++, Eclipse with the Ruby Dev. Toolkit Plugin, OpenKomodo...

I use Netbeans - but for me it's slow. But Ruby on Windows is very slow ;)
Hello! Yup Netbeans is truly a resource hog. That's why I seldom use it now. :(

Check out Netbeans at


ArachnoRuby is nicedone.


If you are a fan of Eclipse, RDT used to be the way to go. I'm not sure whether you can get it for a standard Eclipse install anymore. But it is actively developed as part of Aptana RadRails, though.

+7  A: 

I think you guys missunderstood his question. I don't think he's askin about an IDE, I rather think he is asking for an way to develop GUI aplications 'visually'. There are a bunch of good IDEs for ruby out there (I personaly uses Eclipse), but I don't think there is a GUI desing tool for ruby. What you have to do is to chose a widget library (I use wxruby) and code it in hand. There are many widgets libraries around too, like fxruby, qtruby, etc. Hope it help. Sorry if it was I who missunderstood the question.

Dimas Cyriaco
+4  A: 

If you are asking for a GUI designer and not an IDE. Then wxWidgets(wxRuby) has the wxFormBuilder.


The Ruby edition of Netbeans 6.5 is the best one I've used so far, and I've pretty much had a go at all of them (Komodo, the various Eclipse plugins/ruby-specific releases like RadRails, beta release of e (might be usable nowadays, but I assume it has no debugger, which is key for me), ArachnoRuby, some others i don't recall).

I found it important to pick the Ruby-specific release of Netbeans - using the full-featured version made for some messy setup for rails projects, at least prior to 6.1 or so.

Just pick the download under Ruby from here:

I'm not sure what the complaints about speed are. It might take a while to startup, but who cares? - most big IDE's do. There are certainly no issues when editing code, so the only complaint might be during debugging. Besides Netbeans, I've only managed to get debugging to work in Komodo 4.2 and ArachnoRuby. Netbeans is certainly way faster when stepping through code than Komodo 4.2. I don't recall why I dismissed ArachnoRuby - probably because Netbeans was free and worked for me, or because I ended up adding the Python modules (I think you have to buy ArachnoPython as a separate editor).


If you mean to ask for a GUI editor to create a GUI, then it depends on which GUI library you decide to use in Ruby.

If you choose WxRuby, you can use XRC file to separate your ruby code from the GUI formatting.

An XRC file is an XML file which stores all the WxWidget parameters, these files are cross platform: WxRuby, WxPython...etc.

You can use an XRC editor like "Dialogblocks" to visually create your GUI - layer in vertical or horizontal boxsizers add your elements and get the x,y positions and widths and heights all correct.

You can then load this XRC file to create your WxRuby objects within your .rb or .rbw file and add your callbacks where needed.

If you do choose to use WxRuby, I recommend using ruby threads as well because WxRuby likes being given attention by the CPU every now and then - whilst your backend script is running.
