I tried to get it to work using the CXF User Guide, but I've had no luck.
I'm trying to call the web service using java code.
I tried to get it to work using the CXF User Guide, but I've had no luck.
I'm trying to call the web service using java code.
Chris Dail wrote a blog entry about this: http://chrisdail.com/2008/03/31/apache-cxf-with-http-basic-authentication/
His blog entry shows you how to extend the SoapHeaderInterceptor to send a username and password
This is covered by the JAX-WS Specification. Basically, set the username/password as properties on the request context:
((BindingProvider)proxy).getRequestContext().put( BindingProvider.USERNAME_PROPERTY, "joe"); ((BindingProvider)proxy).getRequestContext().put( BindingProvider.PASSWORD_PROPERTY, "pswd");
The runtime puts them into the HTTP header.