



I need to access the current and previous element in an IQueryable object. If I had an int array, I would do the following:

var array = new int[]{0,1,2,3,4};
for(var i = 1; i<array.Length ; i++)
 method1(array[i-1], array[i]);

I don't know to do the same with IQueryable, since it does not implement IList.

+3  A: 


Misread the question a bit. This code will give you consequetive elements

public static IEnumerable<Pair<T,T>> GroupIntoConsequetive(this IEnumerable<T> enumerable) {
  using ( var e = enumerable.GetEnumerator() ) {
    if ( !e.MoveNext() ) { 
      yield break;
    var last = e.Current;
    while ( e.MoveNext() ) {
      yield return new Pair<T,T>(last, e.Current);
      last = e.Current;

I'm not sure there is default way but writing an extension method to do so shouldn't be to difficult. I'm assuming there is a simple Pair implementation

public static IEnumerable<Pair<T,T>> Window(this IEnumerable<T> enumerable) {
  using ( var e = enumerable.GetEnumerator() ) {
    while ( e.MoveNext() ) { 
      var first = e.Current;
      if ( !e.MoveNext() ) {
        throw new InvalidOperationException("Need even number");
      var second = e.Current;
      yield return new Pair<T,T>(first,second);

With the window you could then get the behavior you desire with the following

var col = GetQueryableItem();
col.Window().Select(pair => method1(pair.First, pair.Second));

Quick and dirty Pair implementation

public struct Pair<T1,T2> {
  public readonly T1 First;
  public readonly T2 Second;
  public Pair(T1 first, T2 second) {
    First = first;
    Second = second;
He wants to access the previous element, not group them into pairs.
+3  A: 

You can turn an IQueryable<> into a List<> using ToList<>().

Dave Van den Eynde
One thing to consider is that you lose deferred execution with this method.
+1  A: 

But it provides extension methods to create an array or a list from your IQueryable<T> instance, see ToArray() and ToList(). You can then go and do the same as you would with the array in your example.

Pawel Krakowiak

IQueryable is IEnumerable. So you can do something like:

var a = new [] {1, 2, 3, 4}.AsQueryable();

if (a.Count() < 2) {

var prev = a.First();
var isFirst = true;

foreach (var i in a) {
    if (isFirst) {
     isFirst = false;

    method1(prev, i);
    prev = i;

Or simply convert IQueryable into IList:

var list = a.ToList();
+3  A: 

Using extension methods makes this fairly easy.

public static class IEnumerableExtensions
  public static IEnumerable<ValueWithPrevious<T>> WithPrevious<T>(this IEnumerable<T> @this)
    using (var e = @this.GetEnumerator())
      if (!e.MoveNext())
        yield break;

      var previous = e.Current;

      while (e.MoveNext())
        yield return new ValueWithPrevious<T>(e.Current, previous);
        previous = e.Current;

public struct ValueWithPrevious<T>
  public readonly T Value, Previous;

  public ValueWithPrevious(T value, T previous)
    Value = value;
    Previous = previous;


var array = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
foreach (var value in array.WithPrevious())
  Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1}", value.Previous, value.Value);
  // Results: 1, 2
  //          2, 3
  //          3, 4
  //          4, 5