



I have a method that returns an array (string[]) and I'm trying to pass this array of strings into an Action Link so that it will create a query string similar to:


But when I pass new { str = GetStringArray() } I get the following url:


So basically it's taking my string[] and running .ToString() on it to get the value.

Any ideas? Thanks!


I'd use POST for an array. Aside from being ugly and an abuse of GET, you risk running out of URL space (believe it or not).

Assuming a 2000 byte limit. The query string overhead (&str=) reduces you to ~300 bytes of actual data (assuming the rest of the url is 0 bytes).

Greg Dean
+1  A: 

Try creating a RouteValueDictionary holding your values. You'll have to give each entry a different key.

<%  var rv = new RouteValueDictionary();
    var strings = GetStringArray();
    for (int i = 0; i < strings.Length; ++i)
        rv["str[" + i + "]"] = strings[i];

<%= Html.ActionLink( "Link", "Action", "Controller", rv, null ) %>

will give you a link like

<a href='/Controller/Action?str=val0&str=val1&...'>Link</a>

EDIT: MVC2 changed the ValueProvider interface to make my original answer obsolete. You should use a model with an array of strings as a property.

public class Model
    public string Str[] { get; set; }

Then the model binder will populate your model with the values that you pass in the URL.

public ActionResult Action( Model model )
    var str0 = model.Str[0];
Just thought I'd mention that it looks like you've given another alternative to a similar question over here at: [ASP.Net MVC RouteData and arrays] ( Is there a way to link these two questions so that people can see both of your alternatives?
I think you just did. Actually this won't work any more. I'll update the action method to use a model.
The model binding is not the issue. It seems MVC 2 still generates query strings like `?str=System.String%5B%5D` when a `RouteValueDictionary` value contains an array/list/etc. Still no way around that?
Crescent Fresh
@Crescent - are you sure you're using the signature that has both route values and html attributes?
Crescent Fresh
@Crescent - sorry I misunderstood. The solution I propose adds each of the elements of the array individually to the RouteValueDictionary, avoiding the problem. The serializer iterates over the properties of the object adding them as key/value pairs to the dictionary internally. This is obviously **not** what you want for an array. See my other answer (quoted above by @Guy) for a helper extension that handles IEnumerables differently. Note that I don't use this -- typically I'll use post and Phil Haack's method of binding lists of objects.