
How to route in linux

Hi, I have 20 ips from my isp. I have them bound to a router box running centos. What commands, and in what order, do I set up so that the other boxes on my lan, based either on their mac addresses or 192 ips can I have them route out my box on specific ips. For example I want mac addy xxx:xxx:xxx0400 to go out and xxx:xxx...

GIS/Mapping solutions that provide easy access to routing data

I'm look for a GIS/Mapping tool that will give me easy SERVER-SIDE access to route information (specifically, trip time and distance) in an ASP.NET web application. From what I can tell, Google and Yahoo maps do everything client-side in javascript, but neither provide services to retrieve just the route information. I'm interested in b...

How do I make my default (or any static) route permanent on Linux (Fedora 9 specifically)?

I've just performed a new installation of the very latest (Fall, 2008) version of Fedora 9 Linux and am perplexed that it never set the default route properly and that even traveling the labyrinthine ways of this OS, there's no obvious way. Of course, it's clear that one can do it on a one-off basis like this: route add default gw g...

ASP.NET MVC : Not sure how to make these routes.

Hi folks, i'm trying to make the following routes .. and currently i'm going about this in a really long way.. ie. one route instance for EACH route. this is what i'm after... (assuming i'm doing a 'stackoverflow website') / <-- root site /page/{page} <-- root site, but to the page of questions. /tag...

ASP.NET MVC can't find route programatically

Hi folks, I have the following one route, registered in my global.asax. routes.MapRoute( "Home", // Unique name "", // Root url new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", tag = string.Empty, page = 1 } ); kewl. when i start the site, it correctly picks up this route. Now, when i try to programatically do the f...

The route addition failed: Cannot create a file when that file already exists.

I get this error when using c:>route add <route_and_interface_here> This happens on a RRAS server that has a PPTP site-to-site VPN setup with demand-dialing static route. This route shows in RRAS routing table but does not show in c:>route print table which might be the first source of the problem. Anyone seen this before? Anyone with ...

ArcGIS Server - compare routes

I've got a list of points, and a route that an external provider has generated through those points. I would like to generate a route using those same point with my own road network. Then I want to be able to detect if there is any significant difference between the two routes. One suggestion is that for the 2 routes, we find out w...

renaming routes (map, link_to, to_param) in rails

Hey there, I'm having a little issue...I setup a rails application that is to serve a german website. To make use of Rails' internal pluralization features, I kept all my models in english (e.g. the model "JobDescription"). Now, if I call "", I get all my far, so good. Because I ...

Rails: A route to serve static assets (like .jpgs, etc?)

I've worked my way through a number of interesting routing problems - turning a request URL into a hash, etc., but just out of curiosity, is there a way to tell the routing system that you want anything that comes under a certain url subpath to be served literally - without going through a controller? For instance, if I have /home/me/...

Is there any way to Add Extra Details to the route on Google Maps?

Is there a way on Google Maps to specify a Long & Lat reference of an intersection and should the route intersect these coordinates, that extra information be provided in an info Bubble? The problem we are having is that the current route information is too basic, i.e. "Turn Left 26km" , we would like to have extra details about the t...

ASP.NET MVC - Pass array object as a route value within Html.ActionLink(...)

I have a method that returns an array (string[]) and I'm trying to pass this array of strings into an Action Link so that it will create a query string similar to: /Controller/Action?str=val1&str=val2&str=val3...etc But when I pass new { str = GetStringArray() } I get the following url: /Controller/Action?str=System.String%5B%5D So...

Where should I place a check that may redirect a request?

I need to redirect users to the Change Password page if their password has expired. I want to place this code in one place so that any request can be redirected to the change password page. I've looked into extending the AuthorizeAttribute, and overriding OnActionExecuting, but neither work/allow me to short circuit the routing logic t...

Is it possible to have a strongly typed GetVirtualPath method?

Hi Folks, based upon an answer from this SO post, i'm trying to tweak it a bit so that i don't need to hardcode the route and route params, but instead (if possible) use a strongly typed controller action method:- string path = RouteTable.Routes.GetVirtualPath( new RequestContext(HttpContext, RouteTable.Route...

rails redirect_to problem

Hi, I am developing a rails app and have a question. In my routes.rb: map.connect 'admin', :controller => "/admin/users", :action => "index" So when I go to "", it redirects to "". However, the address remains as "". Thus, links in the page are wro...

Delete URL for nested associations

Hi guys, I'm having the following many to many relationship in Rails (ActiveResource, of course): class User < ... has_many :channel_assignments has_many :channels, :through => :channel_assignments end class Channel < ... has_many :channel_assignments has_many :users :through => :channel_assignments end class ChannelAssignme...

ASP.NET MVC class that represents a controller+action set?

Is there a class in the ASP.NET MVC framework that represents a controller name and an action name? I'm writing a method that will return a collection of URLs and I want them to be returned as objects that contain a 'Controller' and 'Action' property or something similar. This is because sometimes I'll need to isolate just the controll...

Regex routers in zend framework,how to make merge these routers?

Hi there, I need to know how can I merge these routers into one? I want to have just one router instead of these ones. I appreciate any answer.:) $route = new Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Regex( '([a-z]{2})/(\w+)/(\w+)/(\w+)', array('controller'=>'index', 'action' => 'index', 'module'=>'default', 'lang'=>$lang )...

Zend Framework custom route isn't working at all

Hello, I've got a really weird problem with ZF (at least for ZF newbie): I can not access my existing controller and its action method. No problems with: localhost/ localhost/index localhost/index/index localhost/index/about But, I've set route like this: /localhost/test, pointing to index controller and indexAction and I see 404 ev...

How to get the dispatched route name in Zend framework ?

Current state: A router is loaded from xml file two route name within the router are going to the same controller and action, for example: www-language-employee and www-language-trainer are going to the same controller and action --> EmployeeController & listemployeeAction Problem: - Need to know which route name is dispatched/being ...

ASP.Net MVC support for Nested Resources?

I'm looking for a routing option similar to the nested RESTFul routes functionality available through Rails. The SimplyRestful project on MvcContrib doesn't appear to be active any longer nor does it appear to be current with the 1.0 MVC release. This is the uri scheme I'm looking for, /Activity/10/Task/1/Edit or /Activity/10/Task/Edi...