
Regex for a-z , hypen (-) and å ä ö in Zend Route Regex

Hi! I want to route url through Zend route regex with Swedish character and here is my regex in xml configuration: ..... ([a-z\-å|ä|ö]+) ..... Still, the route doesn't behave as I expect. It doesn't redirect when the link contains å, ä, or ö I have tried to change to [a-zåäö\-]+ but it also gives the same result.. anyone can help? ...

MVC Route Question

Hi, I am trying to map an action with no controller to a specific action, However, I do not want to show the controller in the URL. I have partially achived this using the mapping shown below: routes.MapRoute( null, "Contact", new { controller = "Home", action = "Contact" }); This successfu...

Zend Route Regex - How to...

Hi, I'm trying to create a route that will "cover" this kind of URLs: Number of those parents in unspecified, and it should only serve to give a better, more intuitive look to site URLs. Main parameter is that "item". I suppose that...

Asp.Net Mvc Route problem

Hello, I have been testing a few options with Route Debugger but no luck. Let me describe what I am trying: I have all routes "translated" as follows (I needed to translate from English to Portuguese and sometime simplify): routes.MapRoute("Article.Create", "cms/artigo/criar", new { controller = "Article", action = "Cr...

IIS6 javascript routing issues

Hi all, I currently have the following within my view function loadData() { var url = "/Testx.mvc/GetData"; var id = "111111"; var format = "html"; $.ajax({ url: url, type: "POST", dataType: format, data: "id=" + id, success: populateResults }); } function popula...

How rails issue put method on update ?

On edit.html.erb file, scaffold created, I don't see any code specified PUT method. How come the post form call update action with PUT method. ...

The internals of route-me? I need to add my own tile source

Hi there, (route-me is an iPhone map library, ) I have a map app based on web and it works fine now. Recently I need to make an iPhone client for my map. But here is the problem: My map got an images size of 300x300 and zoom levels with 1-13, and the scales are also different (Meanwhile it seems rout...

Allow param containing slashes in Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Regex

This is my code: $route = new Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Regex('download/([^/]+)(/([^/]+))?/(\d+)/(\d+)', array('controller' => 'download', 'action' => 'load'), array(1 => 'name', 3 => 'or_name'... redirecting form get to 'nice' url best approach

I currently have a collection of routes like {controller}/{action}/{from}/{to}/{some}/{other}/{things} {controller}/{action}/{from}/{to}/{some}/{other} {controller}/{action}/{from}/{to} {controller}/{action} and views with forms with get actions to retrieve the results. But the get actions go to the default/last route with the parame...

CodeIgniter Route Problem with Regex

Hey guys, I have got a little problem using the CodeIgniter route function. I use the URI_Language_Identifier extension and I want to reroute all the requests for "lang/login" (e.g. en/login or de/login) to user/login I tried to use the routes function as follows, but it does not work: $route['(\w{2})/login'] = "/user/index"; this ho...

iphone quartz drawing 2 lines on top of each other causes worm effect

Hi, I'm using Quartz-2D for iPhone to display a route on a map. The route is colored according to temperature. Because some streets are colored yellow, I am using a slightly thicker black line under the route line to create a border effect, so that yellow parts of the route are spottable on yellow streets. But, even if the black line is...

ASP.NET MVC twitter/myspace style routing

Hi guys, This is my first post after being a long-time lurker - so please be gentle :-) I have a website similar to twitter, in that people can sign up and choose a 'friendly url', so on my site they would have something like: I also have root level static pages such as: and of course my hom...

Low memory problem drawing a route with MKAnnotationView

Hi! I'm drawing a route like it's done in but i'm not loading de coordinates from a file, i get the coordinates from GPS with CLLocationManager. The problem is that my app crash with low memory in the device. I guess it's the way i'm drawing the route. In - (MKAnnotationView *)mapViewMKMapView *)_mapVi...

key value routing in Zend Framework Route

Hello, I'm using a Hostname route to capture a subdomain and use as a category. I then chain a Router route for the controller, action and key/value pairs. $hostnameRoute = new Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Hostname( ':customer.ddc.:domain', array( 'customer' => ':customer' ) ); $routerRoute = new Zend_Controller_Router_Route( ':c...

Android - Getting audio to play through earpiece

I currently have code that reads a recording in from the devices mic using the AudioRecord class and then playing it back out using the AudioTrack class. My problem is that when I play it out it plays vis the speaker phone. I want it to play out via the ear piece on the device. Here is my code: public class LoopProg extends Activity ...

Asp.Net MVC Catchall Routing

I'm creating an application in MVC with some basic CMS like functionality. My goal is to have arbitrary routes like: "" to accomplish this, I've registered this route: routes.MapRoute( "Default", "{*path}", new { Controller = "Content", action = "View" } The View ac...

Temporarily route all traffic (new site) to other domain? Best practice?

For a client I need to temporarily route their traffic to my own subdomain. Their host (a shared host) needs to be reconfigured for the site to work, but the client wants their site online ASAP (what else is new ;-) Considering the following: It's a new site/new domain, so there is no legacy SEO traffic. Preferably I'ld like the c...

Does Google provide a http page to return a XML route?

I have been using a lot of Google Maps's API for getting geocoding and reverse geocoding services. Do you know if there's a service (through http) that would return a route? ...

How do you do a 301 permanant redirect route in ASP.Net MVC

How do you do a HTTP 301 permanant redirect route in ASP.NET MVC? ...

Windows Routing API: What API calls are needed to build a managed version of route.exe for Windows?

In order to ensure we have the correct routes for various vpn connections, we typically run a batch file that calls commands similar to the following: route add mask yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy We have a C# application that uses the NetworkInterfaces class to listen for network events, and runs this command using the...