



What would be my best option for a minor? Graphic Design?....

+4  A: 

The answer no one wants to hear: it depends. Are you an artsy person? Graphic Design is not really to teach you art, but to refine talent you already have. Some schools require a portfolio to get into the program, even as a minor.

I am in your same situation, but I realized I do not have the art background to cut it in a formal graphic design setting. However, there are tons of tutorials and resources out on the interweb for UI design, web design and so on. I have picked up a lot just googling "navigation tutorials" and such related interesting things.

However, if I had more art skills, I would love to do graphic design, just for the experience. If you have the skill, go for it, but don't think you can't pick it up on your own if that is not an option.

In addition, check out some of the other technology schools at your university. I know my school's IT program has a class solely on user interfaces and interaction.


Consider product design - it's more about the whole process of creating something with the best possible experience for the customer, with a focus on ergonomics, look and feel, and so on.

My advice, however, would be to get out there and get stuck into the UI-side of an open source project. That actual experience will be the biggest plus you could prepare for your CV, and will teach you real-world UX, along with teamwork and project management.

Also, find some designers on the web whose work you respect and admire, and hang around them - read their blogs, send them emails. Be humble, but have courage - ask the dumb question, don't be afraid to know you are ignorant, so that you can see the opportunity to learn.

Phil H

If it's available, ergonomics. Some UK universities offer this as a full-blown subject...

Dan Vinton

In my study Telematics, I have followed two courses as part of the Communication Studies minor, one of which was a course specifically on Interface and Interaction Design. So you might want to check for specific course rather than just minor names. I wouldn't have expected the I&ID course to be part of the Communication Studies minor, but I'm glad I was able to take it.


Industrial Design, if you can find courses on it it will suit UI design.

Christian Witts
+3  A: 

You should study the fairly young field of Human Computer Interaction

Jeff Atwood has a recommended reading list with some books about UI, interaction and product design. His blog is also (one of) the best out there imho.

Emile Vrijdags

I'm also majoring in CS and I've specialized in UI design. Maybe your CS university did not have courses about UI design? (And graphic design is not the same as UI design - the former is about how the program should look like, the latter is about what the program should do.)

Here are some books that I would recommend you to read, if you want to get more into UI design. In alphabetical order:

The course that I went to was mostly based on the User Interface Design: A Software Engineering Perspective book. I have not yet read the book itself, I've just skimmed through it, but it seems like a good book to start learning UI design. Also all the other books are good. Then when you have read some theory from the books, you just need to practice UI design until you develop a sense for good and bad usability, and get some training in requirements gathering and usability testing methods.

Esko Luontola

I'm a web interaction developer. Here is my background:

  • BFA in sculpture
  • self-taught graphic designer
  • armchair pop psychologist
  • very clear and concise communicator

My advice is to not rely on schooling, but to find a large user-base (100+) and build a website for them, then solicit feedback.

When in doubt, copy Apple.


Granted that some people naturally are more artistic that others.

However, you can still read books on typography, design and architecture to near the principles of good design.

You might not be able to create something as beautiful as an extremely artistic person ... but you can at least create non-ugly interfaces.


If it's UI design skills you want then I'm tempted to say NOT graphic design or product design. Though they would give you a great underpinning perspective in the long run, they are a bit tangential given the limited time you'll have on a short course.

You'll move towards your goal more rapidly if you find a course specifically in UI design / HCI (Human Computer Interaction) / Usability / Information Architecture / User Experience. Failing that, see if there's a course available on Applied Cognitive Psychology since you should get a few lectures on HCI within that.
