



From time to time have I come across manually implemented sort and/or search algorithms, instead of using language implemented algorithms. Most source code I've been looking into is written in Java, C# or PHP - but I'd guess this phenomenon is language agnostic.

Regarding regular data structures such as lists; Why and where do you implement your own algorithm? Ideological reasons? More memory efficient? Can't stand the idea of using built-in features? Java preferably uses mergesort (in Collections.sort()), which has some overhead when you compare it to quicksort as an example. If you have a favorite which you use on a regular basis for doing common tasks, you're more than welcome to submit it in your language of choice!

+7  A: 
  • Not every sort algorithm is implemented by the standard library.
  • Not every language supports generic data types/containers
  • Sometimes you need to switch between sorting algorithms depending on data-size
  • Tweaking the algorithm for a particular set of input is easier
  • To measure processor speed
  • Coursework
  • Just for fun

These are just some of the reasons ...

Of course. I was more interested in different solutions of the community. Rephrased the question...
+3  A: 


while (!is_sorted(array)) {

Expected running time: O(n!)


For optimal performance, be sure to use an evenly-distributed shuffle, such as Fisher-Yates.
Steve Jessop
Good idea. Ideally you'd want a source of true randomness, such as the voltage across a noisy diode or the text from the CodeSOD articles on
+1  A: 

Built in language implementations will be normally be faster, but only if you are sorting/searching in a standard way. As soon as you do anything a little unusual, be it the way the key is interpreted, dealing with multiple pointers, hooking into a different enviroment and so on you can better performance by tweaking the basic routines to match your exact requirements.

For instance, I needed to keep three large (huge) data sets sorted on the same key, so I had to go back to source and alter the C quick sort code to move elements on three distinct arrays of data.

+1  A: 

In C++ you can have a container with an array inside that is only searched by methods of the container. You can use some library implementation but then you'll have to provide a comparator class and that's the same amount of code as simply writing a for() loop. Why produce a new entity (comparator class) for such case?

This is the kind of answer I was looking for!